Chapter 32: Criminals Cascade


"How? You're supposed to be locked up in jail awaiting trial."

"And? All Mights supposed to be here, but I guess things don't work out the way they want. Ain't that right, Boss."

Suijin grimaced slightly at the implications. Ignroing Suijin's look, the villain went on.

"A few dollars spent here, a key handed there, bodies on the ground, some fighting, and we were free. Could you believe it? Not even hours after we were out, we got wind of some news. A raid on All Might."

Confirming Suijin's suspicions and the words in his head, Suijin only had one question left.


The two sitting atop the rocks had a confused expression on their faces for the first time today.

"You can't beat All Might, the money you get would be confiscated, so why?"

Unfortunately for the young hero, he was still thinking about Naievly.

"Kid, Listen closely. I'm not here for their money; that's a nice added bonus, but we're here for your despair, your screams of sorrow, and your eyes filled with regret."

Laughing to himself in his twinge of insanity, he continued.

"The rush of dopamine that brings me—is there any other reason, needed to commit a crime."


The conversation is cut off by a sudden noise to their right.


"Heh–Heh, boss-."

"Yeah, I know, a rare delectable."

"Around 15 right, prime age."


"-wouldn't it be worn by all of us."

"Speaking with no experience, around that age they recover quite fast; besides, we're in the mountains and no one can bother us."

Mina's pink face grew paler and paler; even an idiot would be able to understand the meaning of their words.

One of the brutes who'd just been talking looked down to see a slight off complextion from Mina, he crouched down and grabbed her hair, lifting up her head since she was being pressed on the ground by a foot to her back.

"Aw~Your scared? We'll crush any hope of yours; you seem to have some electrical friend over there right now. He'll soon be turned to meat paste as our human battery happens to be stationed over there."

'Kaminari! He can't control himself after he uses a certain voltage, He'll be like a lamb to the s-slaughter!'



"Bert, you made her cry."

"Ah, cut the fake compassion."

"Yeah, besides, ain't that what we're all here for."

The group of criminals erupted into laughter at the thought.

Suijin himself wasn't idly by, the moment he saw his classmate being pinned to the ground, he tried to rush to save her, but a huge weight on his body made him fall to the ground on his stomach as well.

"Trying to save her wouldn't be any fun, stay there for now."

The fatter one who could enlarge his limbs had made his hand bigger, pinning Suijin to the ground with ease.

"They served their purpose, right brother?"


With that cold remark, the man dressed in an overgrown gray puffer, and jeans moved his hands.

"Unfortunately, our contract ends here."

Saying the mirthless words, multiple rocks the size of his fist came barging into the villain's chest. The force of the rock changed their bodies' directions and knocked them off balance.

But the rock's speed didn't decrease, and it continued its motion, bringing them into the air only supported by the rock. Eventually, they were over the cliff, with the majority having stayed up though a few had already fallen.


The one behind this picked his ear, and annoyed, he remarked, "God, are people so stupid these days? Deals were made to be broken. Besides, there's a reason none of you have quirks that protect you from heights."

The one who screamed at the telekinetic man looked down, seeing the vast land below, which would undobtably spell his untimely demise.


"Sorry, I didn't hear you."

Smiling, he let the group plunder to their deaths.

Then he walked over to the still scaredsh*tless Mina, whom he tied up with a rope on her forearms, as he grabbed her cheekbones roughtly and moved her head from side to side.

'What do I do, I can secrete some acid and burn the rope, but then what? He can just manipulate the acid right off my hand, and besides, even if I do manage to catch him with it?"

An unpleasent childhood memory played in her mind, screeching, blood, cursing, they were all present, along with a scene of dread.

She shook her head mentally.

'You're over that already, besides, desperate times call for desperate needs!'

But her comfort couldn't deny the feeling of food trying to rush out through her mouth, the pangs of a migrane just thinking of the situation—not to mention the slight shaking her body took on when the gorey scene appeared in her mind.

The man, though, didn't care for her thoughts and merry-looked at her face before grabbing her costume on her shoulder.

"The boys were right, though you are a looker. Jonny: I'm going to go for the first."

A slight nod, and he reached for the clothing, ruffling its state as his grip increased, making his intentions clear. Get rid of the cloth that was in his way.

Suijin had to bear withness to all of this; his mind was in turmoil, he wasn't weak, he'd defeated these guys before, so why was he just sitting here.

Why did he end up in this situation, 'Because I got distracted' a classic rookie mistake, and his mistake is showing its reparations.

The weight on his back only got heavier as his assailant expected Suijin to retaliate, and he was correct.

If it was him from a month ago, maybe even before, he'd have cowered away, becoming too stuck in the how and why and forgetting the now.

But this him was different, once again laminating the need to increase training as his trigger was becoming an even bigger problem.

Suijin looked around to see if there was anything he could use. He desperately searched for an opportunity to right his wrongs.




"Hero, you're getting weaker."

The black haired teacher merly grunted as he once again took down another fraction of the incessant villains.

"Did you know, some cool red slight sparks when you use your quirk, Nulling others active abilities thats a cool power."

The light-blue haired man stepped into the fray, catching the hero off guard since he'd been standing by all this time. He didn't try to fight but instead grabbed onto the hero and looked into his eyes.

"Unfortunately, your quirk seems to be suited for short bursts and sneaky attacks, you weak hereos are only good in your preferred environment, right."

The hero shrugged the villain off, wrapping his sturdy grey scarf around the villain and pulling himself back to the ground, A hand reached for his leg, but he jumped off, using the man as a springboard before it could land.

"But you're still fighting, is it to give those kids a chance?"

Leaving with those words, Aizawa felt a huge fist pounce into his back, no doubt injuring his spine as he was sent flying into the villain.

Those cold, scratchy, hands finally found their place on his elbow, and the hero grimaced, suppressing the bloodcurdling screaming that arose as he felt his skin decay in real time.

"Unfortunately for you, Eraser, cool guys are always the first to die!"