The next day came with a warm sunrise, cool weather, and sweet singing birds. Everyone just woke up and scrambled to their work like these 'lazy bees.' Sarah and Athena woke up early and were expecting the Good Deeds to win. They were refreshed and dressed. "Sarah, what do you think? Shall we win? Or not?" Asked Athena Sarah turned herself and attention to Athena by holding her shoulders "Look, no matter if we win or lose. But it matters what we did. And it's clear-cut that we did our best. Hm?" Said Sarah. "You are always right." They hugged and comforted each other. Suddenly "Alright. Is that enough? We have to get there in time. C'mon" they went to the TV lounge. Athena sat on the dining table and Sarah went into the kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast. She took out the milk and cereal and made a yummy breakfast for themselves. She took the bowls and went toward the dining table. "Here. Have it quickly, it's 7:38 a.m." said Sarah. They ate their breakfast as quickly as they could. Then they picked up their bags and went to their school. On the other hand, Alana and Sierra woke up and dressed without saying a single word to each other they rushed downstairs for breakfast. Their mom made delicious French toast for them. "Sweeties! Come! Your breakfast is ready." Said Mrs. Arnold. "What's it?" Asked d Alana. Their mom put the plates with beautifully plattered french toast and said "Your favorite french toast." Sierra exclaimed in a unique and unknown accent "Wooow! My french toast!" Both sat down and had their yummy breakfast. "What time is it?" Asked Sierra while eating. Alana gazed at the clock, hanging on the wall, and said unknowingly "7:40" They suddenly stopped eating and together said "7:40?! No! No! No! No! Get up! Get up! Get up!" They stood up and picked up their bags. "Mom we are leaving. pray for us!" Said Sierra. "I love you" Said Alana "Love you too sweetheart.take care!" Said their mom. Everyone left their house and ran towards the school. By reaching school, their heart beat faster than ever. All of them arrived there at the same time. They stood in front of the gate and gazed at each other's faces, terrified of what would happen. They took a deep breath and entered the school. The school was just a full cup of gossip, everyone was talking about results. Girls got confused and whispered while walking "Hey, What do you think, shall we win or lose?" asked Sierra. "Everything is going to be fine, just remember it. Either we win or lose. I believe that everything will be fine." Said Alana "That sounds comforting" giggled Sierra. They reached their floor near the lockers, had their books, and went to their class. It was time for biology class. They came to class as usual. They took their seats. The class was one of the most beautiful rooms in the school because it was decorated nicely and everything was maintained. There were nearly 21 students, 2 windows, 1 blackboard, a dice, and 2 fans in the class. They sat closer to each other because they were not only friends, they were more than friends. After a while of gossip, Christina, their biology teacher, came into class having a book and a file. Everyone stood up and wished their teacher good morning." Sit down, students." Christina is a kind-hearted person. She's punctual and is very strict about rules. Have you done your homework? Everyone to her question, okay I will check your homework later so..." "So?" Asked Athena nervously."So I am going to take your surprise test. Happy surprise test fellas!" "This is the only surprise I hate." Muttered Alex. "Ok.class, close your books, stop your gossip there, stop panicking and listen to me!" Everyone's attention to their ears to their teacher. "Listen, I'm not going to take a written test, it's just a verbal test, just like we are revising the topics. So there is nothing to be worried about, okay?" and faced the blackboard happily, the teacher sat on her chair, glared at everyone, then had her book and opened it. "Let me see, let me see, let me see..."Christina murmured to herself. " Teacher, can I help you? It will be easier." Said Alex- their class fellow. "Oh really??" First, she said in a friendly, sweet voice, and then she said, " stand up!!" "Huh?" "I said stand up!" Everyone gulped knowing now he has gone. He stood up not knowing what would happen to him. " Now tell me...what is the difference between unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms?" Asked Christina. He replied worriedly "Umm…they are different because…unicellular is unmarried and multicellular is married. Maybe?" Christina got shocked, stood up, and said " what?!" "Sorry mom." "mom?" Said Christina and everyone stamped their hand on their forehead. Anger was going to hit the roof, and suddenly Martha knocked on the opened door of the class. Everyone stood up and said " good morning teacher." " Good morning everyone. What's up?" Asked Martha. " I was taking a surprise test." " Oh, it seems to be. Anyways, here's the result sheet. Tell them what they are waiting for, for many hours. Best of luck. Have a nice day." Giggled Martha. As she went everyone sat down back in their seats. As Christina took the result sheet, she stared at the whole class and sat on her chair. There was a pin-drop silence and suspense scene. She read the list, got shocked, and raised her eyebrows slowly.With her shocked expression class got tenser. "What happened?" Asked one of the students. " Do you know who got the first position in the whole school?" " Who?" Asked the student. " It's from your class." Everyone gasped and looked at each other. " Who is it?" Asked Sarah. "Y-your team!" Everyone was shocked except Sarah " haha so funny! I heard our name." Then Athena replied to her seriously with a shocked expression " she did." Girls stood up and yelled with joy " ahhh! We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it!" " Calm down! Easy! Easy! Girls" chuckled Christina. Some of the students were in shock and some were jealous of them. "But how it can't be!! I mean they fell from the stage. In Front of everyone. Then how?!!" Asked one of the students. Sierra replied to her with an attitude "This is called luck!" "Ok. Now, keep quiet.that's it.The remaining results will be announced later. Let's complete this test first. So where I was…?" "Teacher...your period is'" the student stopped speaking as Christina stared at him. "Fine. It's your day. better luck next time class!" "For what?" Asked Moana " for a mega Surprise test!" Christina smirked, stood up, and left the class. The class appreciated the girls' luck and clapped for them. "Hey, do you know what's in the prize?" Asked one of their classmates. "Nope. Not sure." "Then stop being too happy." " Chill! We did it just for fun. Nothing else." Said Alana. " Yea! No one has a chilled soul like you. Fine, Enjoy your victory." The whole class was on their own and the girls did a group hug. Soon Martha came into their class to teach them English." Good morning everyone! Hope you're doing well. C'mon open your books." Everyone did what she said. Girls seemed to be extra happy and said " teacher, now teach us anything you want.we'll say nothing against it." Said Alana. "Is everything fine?" Asked Martha shockingly and then she asked " by the way who got the first position? Because I had asked from every class. No one got a position there. Is it from your class?" " Yes…Sarah's team won." Reported a classmate sadly. "I see, that's why you're willing to study? Ok, then we will complete this chapter." Everyone declined this decision in a united voice. " No excuses! Open page no. 57 right now! I'm not going to forgive you today!" During this argument, a peon came and gently knocked on the door. "Excuse me, ma'am, sir John is calling you in an urgent meeting." Martha made a done face and looked at the whole class. "Fine. You won. Don't make noise, and don't go anywhere without permission. I will be back. See ya!" Martha left the class urgently. And now, the class discussed why an urgent meeting has been arranged. "I think they will discuss the prize. Right?" Said Sierra. " Maybe. But there is no need to discuss it." Said Sarah. "Why?" Asked Alana " because it will be awarded by the head office. Not by the school!" Explained Sarah. " Ah...what do you think it would be?" Asked Athena " scholarship maybe?" Suggested Alana. "Or any device like a laptop, Ipad, etc…" said Athena. " Wait. wait. wait. Why are we discussing it? Whatever the prize would be, will be revealed to everyone. Understand?" On the other hand, Martha quickly went to the conference room- a huge, cleaned, hygienic,well-designed room with a projector, smart board, conference table, and comfy, soft chairs around it. Now, behind the door of the conference room, there was a new door, a new adventure waiting for the girls. Let's see how they handle and face their situations.