5.The discovery of the hidden Treasure

Sami was lucky to get it at the 10 th of June 1989 it was basically gold coins thirty peaces each weighs​ 33.931g in totality which was equal to 33.931 * 30 pcs =1,017.93 gram equivalent to 1 kilogram

Total sold price at that year 1989 for a price of gold per 1 kilogram 56.177$

Then ,1.01793 kilo gram was sold and valued at 57,161.85915 * 3,003,748LL being price of dollar to Lebanese pounds=171,700,243.176 around 171.7 million Lebanese pounds which was worth a fortune as at that time specified.

Actually ,the two couples planned well in achieving their objective and immediately started searching for the hidden treasure and finally got it just in the best needed time in order to get married and in order to finance the marriage expenses and the fees of their engineering classes at the American University of Beirut as students which costed a fortune by then.

One can consider that this was a big achievement in spite of the constraints which curbed their freedom and movement at the early stage before getting married though the time that was spent together for planning the search and the excavation and recovery of the treasure was neatly prepared and prudently executed in order to recover at long last the exact location of the hidden treasure in spite of difficulties encountered and lack of financial means required and badly needed.

They were so lucky enough to receive from a old family friend an old torn map it was the only possible means available at hand to rely upon in locating the exact location of the treasure without spending too much wasted time and efforts in vain in order to locate its right place.

Sami did alone all the planning process for the excavation and the digging in order to recover the hidden treasure daily at fast night shift of work between 3:00-6:00 am it has caused him a lot of physical body strain for he worked at a comprehensive manner efficiently and prudently alone single handedly in a less noisy manner using old fashioned toolsets in a great professional manner which took him a year and half in order to finally locating its exact place in the area designated and thereby extracting it in the middle of one the small rooms bearing in mind the risks encountered while digging which was immense in a collapsing ruined building that might have constituted a big threat on his life if he did not know where and how to dig without tampering with the worn foundation of the ruined area of that collapsing building.