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25 Inviting Derek

In Wilhelm's Office,

Wilhelm lifted his head from the computer system that he was typing on and looked at Bernard who had just walked into the office.

"Any progress?"

He asked,

"Yes sir, I've found one of them"

Bernard replied with his head down,

"Very good... As expected of my security director. Brief me"

Wilhelm smiled satisfactorily and clasped his hands beneath his chin.

Bernard sat down, brimming with pride because of the compliment.

"This new teacher, Jack Jameson is the owner of the scent that I found at the woods"

He placed his tablet in front of Wilhelm and a little frown appeared on Wilhelm's face as he studied Jack's profile.

"Hmm... A new teacher huh? Have you tried interrogating him?"

Wilhelm asked,

"Yes... He claims that he was at home at the time of the incident."

Bernard replied seriously,

'If he is the true owner of that energy that I felt, we can't afford to scare him or chase him away, we have to bring him to our side, but if he isn't the true owner of that energy, he can still lead us to the owner'

Wilhelm thought solemnly,

"I want you to monitor him closely for now and give me feedback"

"Okay sir"

"What about the other person?"

"It seems that the other person is a student. I smelt him around Jameson's office"

'There's no way a student can possess that powerful energy, after all the most talented mage in the school can't produce an energy blast of that intensity'

Wilhelm thought,

"Put tabs on him too but pay more attention to this man"

He placed his finger on Jack's picture on the tablet.


"Yes sir"

Bernard stood up, bowed and left Wilhelm's office to go and carry out his duty.


The Next Day, during recess.

Green was walking to the cafeteria with Ryan, Sam and Laura and they chatted loudly as they walked.

Ryan had scored a B+ in his physical ability test, Sam had scored an A- in hers while Laura surprisingly scored a B+ despite her small stature. Green was a bit embarrassed when they told him but the gloomy feeling washed away shortly when he realized that the bullies wouldn't dream of nearing him when he was surrounded by people with hisg physical abilities.

"Bro, I heard that the fresher's night is coming soon, do you have a date yet?"

Ryan whispered into Green's ear,

"Uh... I'm just hearing it now from you."

Green replied,

"Are you gonna ask her?"

Ryan said while making a comical gesture of tilting his head in Laura's direction.

"I don't think I'll go. I don't do well in crowds"

Green replied easily and continued walking without even turning his head to look at the girl who was walking silently beside him.

"If you're not gonna ask her. I will"

Ryan said and puffed his chest up,

"Hey! What about Sam?"

Green replied in surprise,

"Shhhh! Keep it down!"

Ryan hastily covered Green's mouth and flashed terrified glances at Sam who was walking silently beside him,

"What's wrong with you? Are you jealous? Didn't you just say that you're not going?"

"That's not it... I just assumed that since you and Sam are so close, you would go together"

"No! I don't want to go with her, she's too domineering and scary."

Ryan whispered fiercely,

"I hope she takes it well...."

Green trailed off as he saw Derek enter a hallway that did not lead to the cafeteria, he had planned to meet Derek alone on the way to the cafeteria but since his friends came with him, he couldn't do it but now, he had the chance.

"I'll be back"

Green said and shot off after Derek.

When he arrived at the hallway, he saw Derek disappear into the staircase that led downstairs, he quickly chased after him and saw him making a turn into another hallway. Green quickly hastened his steps, skipping steps as he ran and peeped only to see Derek enter into a door.

Green smiled to himself, Derek had been walking calmly like someone that didn't know that he was been tailed so Green assumed that he was doing a very good job.

He walked up to the door and saw that it was the music room, he opened the door softly and peeped inside, he didn't see anybody.

'Ah... He's at the other side of the room'

He entered stealthily and closed the door behind him but when he turned his head,


He was whacked on the head with a hard object. The person that hit him moved so fast that Green only saw a blur of red and black before the impact that sent him sprawling on the floor.

He almost lost consciousness from the hit and his vision became blurry for a moment, he had to close and open his eyes repeatedly before his vision normalized and when he looked up, he saw Derek looking down condescendingly on him with a cold expression on his face and a crimson violin on his right hand.

"Why're you following me?"

He asked coldly,

"You knew?!"

Green was flabbergasted,

"Even a two year old would notice if he was been tailed by you, you've also been staring at me all day in class today...."

Green felt hurt by Derek's statement that stated his incompetence.

"Back to the question... Why are you following me?"

"Mr Jack wants to see us"

Green stated matter-of-factly,

"If it's about what happened during the physical ability test, tell him that he should forget about it"

"What happened during the physical ability test?"

Green had a look of confusion on his face,

"Okay then, if it's not about the physical ability test, then what's it about?"

Derek shot back, ignoring Green's question.

"I don't know, but he said that we should come together"

There was silence for a moment between the two, Derek seemed to be thinking then he said,

"Okay, I'll go.. but I'm not going with you"

He flung the violin on Green's body and left the music room.

Green clenched his fists and stared angrily at the violin.

'I used to think that I didn't need power.. but I'm slowly starting to see that if you don't have power, you will be treated like trash... I will get power and I won't let anybody intimidate me again!'

With those fiery thoughts, Green stood up, kicked the violin aside and left the music room.


Later, after school period.

"Hey!...huff huff... Hey! Wait up!"

Derek walked calmly on the way to Jack's office as Green ran after him while shouting.

Derek didn't even turn his head to look at Green till he caught up with him.

"Hey... huff huff... Weren't you ...huff..hearing me?"

"What is it?"

Derek asked coldly,

"He said that we should come together"

Green shot back,


Derek retorted and continued walking,


Green glared after him in anger and chose to walk behind him with a little distance in between them.

"What a rude guy"

He couldn't help but mutter.