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33 Aftermath of The Attack

"Huff huff"

Green and Sam panted heavily as they arrived at where Ryan and Laura were. For some reason, the four attackers who were attacking the students had stopped and retreated to the greatest relief of the students.


Sam said,

"What do you mean by uh-oh?"

Green, who was catching his breath looked up and gulped.

Laura was lying unconscious on the floor with her clothes ripped in several places exposing most of her skin. Green's cheeks reddened instantly in embarrassment and he quickly averted his gaze to Ryan who was also unconscious with blood all over his face, he seemed to have taken a strong hit to the face. Green didn't even want to begin to imagine the strength of the person that was able to beat Ryan's DID.

"Oh. My. Gosh"

Sam covered her mouth and rushed towards Ryan and rested his head on her laps.

"Ryan... Ryan, are you okay?"

When he didn't even stir or open his eyes, she placed her finger on his neck to check his pulse.

"His pulse is weak..."

"Let's get them to the infirmary first"

Green said.



Jason's Room.

"Kekekekeke. That was so fun!"

Penelope exclaimed in joy as they rallied around the round table.

"Yeah... Until Mr spoilsport came in"

Hyun Jun said and made an angry face.

"Be careful with how you call him. That man is dangerous"

Drex warned,

"Pfft. That's what you always say, but he hasn't really done anything serious. Has he?"

Penelope said,

"You guys don't know what that man can do. He's a very scary man"

"I think the reason you're so scared of him is because he's s a higher werewolf than you"

Trevor chipped in,

"Shut it you flimsy second year! What do you know about wolves?"

Drex barked at Trevor,

Trevor simply rolled his eyes and fixed his gaze on Jason.

"Enough of that, What happened to your face Drex? Don't tell me you let a first year hit you?"

Jason asked with a curious look towards Drex.

"N..no of course not"

Drex lied as he tried to wipe the blood off his face, the injuries had healed but the blood was still there.

"Then how do you explain the blood on your face?"

Hyun Jun asked,

"I... it's just... Their blood. Yes, it's their blood"

Drex stuttered,

"Those first years are strong"

Carly said softly and everyone looked at them.

"Pfft! What do you mean? They were as easy as pie"

Penelope argued,

"Well, that's because you didn't meet my opponent, a boy who can wield fire magic with crazy powerful skills. His aura is even stronger than Trevor's"

Carly shot back,

"Ah... You're just exaggerating, there's no way a first year student can have an aura stronger than Trevor here, who is the most talented student mage in the school"

Hyun Jun said and patted Trevor on his shoulder.

"Believe whatever you want to believe. You don't know who I fought"

Carly said and shrugged.

'Could she be telling the truth? Is there really a first year student who has a stronger aura than me?'

Trevor thought with furrowed brows.

"I believe you Carly"

Jason said,

"But if he's truly as strong as you say. Don't you think that we should bring him over to our side?"

"I think he's too young and it would be wiser to let him grow more so that he can join the hounds when Hyun Jun and Trevor would be leading"

Penelope advised,


Jason said and clasped his palms under his jaw like someone that was contemplating.

"You have a point there but... I would love to see this student in action with my own eyes.."

"Are you trying to say that.."

Hyun Jun started,

"That's exactly what I'm trying to say hounds. We're going to attack again, and very soon"

Jason said eerily,

'Carly's right, these first years are scary, that girl can possibly beat me if I don't take her seriously, she's freaky...'

Drex thought,

'Carly's right, that explosive green blast back then inside the party building... It appals me as to how a first year student was able to produce a blast of that magnitude... these first years must be something else'

Trevor thought,

"Alright now, I'll leave you all to your thoughts. This meeting is dismissed"

With that, the hell hounds retired to their dens.


"Wow... Wow, still as ruthless as ever. The hell hounds I mean"

Wilhelm said softly while smiling broadly to Bernard as they walked into the large infirmary where Doctor Gary and his medical attendants were treating the injured students from the attack.

"Yes... They seem to be quite the chaos machine"

Bernard replied promptly,

"More like killing machines. I can't wait to recruit them into the pack as soon as they graduate."

Wilhelm said.

After walking for some time, Bernard asked,

"Were you able to find the source of that explosion?"

"No... But I have a suspect"

Bernard said with his head down.

"Who is it?"

Wilhelm asked hastily,

"The green haired student"

Bernard replied promptly,

"Hmm... What makes you think so?"

Wilhelm asked,

"After the first incident, i discovered that he was the owner of the second scent but I didn't consider him as the owner of the power because at that moment Mr Jameson was the prime suspect. Now that the power has been released again during the fresher's night, Green is now the prime suspect because he was the only one out of the two suspects who was there during the attack. He's the most probable owner of the power"

Bernard reported as Wilhelm crumpled his brows as he listened intently.

'That kid... He doesn't even look like he has an ounce of physical power, talk more of magic power, but I still have to investigate him'

Wilhelm thought and said,

"Okay then.... Investigate him some more till you're certain then report to me"

"Yes sir"

Bernard replied and bowed.

After walking around the infirmary, they left and went back to Wilhelm's office.


Green and Sam were sitting in the waiting room outside the infirmary as they watched students and teachers enter and leave the infirmary, especially those whose friends were injured during the fresher's night.

Doctor Gary had told them to stay outside for the meantime so that the medical attendants would treat Ryan and Laura.

There was a fragile and deathly silence between the two of them as they sat together, though they had just survived a crazy baseless attack from a group of rogues, they still hadn't forgot that they fell out of terms during the party so it was a bit awkward for them as they sat.

Green was busy thinking about how he would start working out and how he would be able to learn to use his magic more effectively, the incident had made him realize that he was very weak compared to the others. He didn't know what would have come of them had his power not gone overboard back then, he was extremely lucky.

"I'm sorry about what happened during the party"

Sam suddenly said,


Green said and looked up, he wasn't expecting that at all.

"You were right. I have feelings for Ryan and I don't know how to express it to him"

Her voice was calm and sad, quite unlike the usual Sam who was rambunctious.

"You were also right. I don't know anything about friendships and relationships so I should've just kept my mouth shut."

Green chose his words carefully as he spoke, he felt that conversing with Sam was like playing with a nuclear bomb.

"No... I guess maybe I was just too blinded by my pride that I refused to accept the truth. Once he wakes up, I'll make my feelings known to him"

Sam said with a huge sigh,

A small smile appeared on Green's face and he said,

"Why the sudden change of heart?"

Sam sighed deeply again before saying,

"Seeing him today, lying unconscious, I realized that even with his DID, he isn't immortal and human life is short and fragile. I've decided that I want to make good use of the little time that I'll spend with him"

"Wow... Nice"

Green said with a smile but something in his heart was telling him that something was wrong.


Meanwhile, In an underground facility under the Rising Stars Magic Academy.

The Library of Knowledge,

Jack 2 was holding one of those stars in his right palm with his Sunōai activated, his expression was like that of someone in a trance.