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46 Tenebris' Evaluation

The Mage Association (TMA) Headquarters,

Zenoid City,

Western Federation

The TMA headquarters building was a high tech underground facility that was situated about 10 miles below the ground surface, it was a gigantic facility that could contain over 500 people.

The building was exclusive to only registered mages and because of that, there was a little problem at the entrance because of Tenebris who wasn't a registered mage but Wilhelm managed to convince them to let him in with his influence.

'how can he be so powerful and he isn't registered? I thought every mage gets registered into the TMA database anytime they awaken their power? Could he be a wanderer?' Carl asked himself as they walked passed the guards at the entrance.

(Author's Note: Wanderers are mages who follow Robert Allen, they are not affiliated to any organisation and no one knows their magic ranks)

They all descended majestically into the TMA colossal building to register the team for the donjon raid.

News about the super rare SS+ rank donjon and it's raid team had already spread far and wide in the magic community so they were surprised when they entered the building and saw many mages and ability users who wanted to come and catch a glimpse of the team that would be attempting to raid an SS+ rank donjon, one of the rarest and most dangerous donjon classes ever.

They all walked majestically down the wide hallway amidst stares and murmurs from the people around, just one glance at them and you would know that this was one team that was not to be messed with. But would they be enough to successfully raid an SS+ rank donjon?

"Is that them?" A tall burly man in a tight black suit asked his assistant, a slim and tall handsome man who was standing beside him. They were standing at the end of the hallway, waiting for Carl and his team to reach them.

"Yes sir" the assistant replied,

"Hmm... He has a good team but it's definitely not the best though. Who's that one behind them?" The man asked,

"Which one?"

"The one with a scarred face dressed in that weird black garment" the man said without turning his head or changing the grim expression on his face.

"Oh" the assistant replied with a slight frown on his face, "I haven't seen him before"


"Hello Director Max" Carl said as he reached the end of the hall where the burly man stood.

"Hello Carl, good to see you" he said and shook Carl's hand. "Quite a team you've got here"

"Yeah... I won't settle for anything less" Carl replied,

"Right, let's begin the formalities so that I can give you your permit" Max said and began to walk away with Carl and the others trailing behind him.

"Honestly, I don't understand why I have to get a permit to raid a donjon that spawned on my territory" Carl complained,

"It's for everyone's safety you know. Let's assume you are a low ranked mage and a high rank donjon spawns in your backyard, if you decide to be greedy and attempt to raid the donjon on your own without calling us to know the difficulty rank, you'll find out that you'll be dead before you spend four minutes in the donjon but if you call us and we determine the difficulty, we can then assign a team like you did to raid it" Max explained,

"Spare me your sermon director" Carl said and rolled his eyes in a bored expression.

As they walked away with Max, Wilhelm noticed that Tenebris had stopped walking and was busy staring at a room. He turned and walked back to Tenebris only to realize that Tenebris was staring at a colossal metal ball that was the size of a tractor.

Tenebris didn't need to ask what the metal ball was for because he instantly read the minds of the people in the room and he realized that he was staring at the world's largest magic measurement device.

'Hmmm... Interesting, I have to check this out' Tenebris thought as he stared resolutely at it

"Do you know what that is?" Wilhelm asked him but he ignored him and walked into the room with Wilhelm trailing quickly behind to prevent him from doing anything stupid.

"I'm sorry but you have to book an appointment before entering here" a bespectacled man in a white lab coat said as he obstructed Tenebris' path to the metal ball while gesturing to the door for him to leave.

"Huh? Who are you?" Tenebris asked as he winced in annoyance and narrowed his eyes at the man standing before him.

"I should be the one asking you that question. Who the hell are you that you can just waltz in here like you own the place?" The man shot back,

The dark aura around Tenebris began to thicken, indicating that he was starting to get annoyed, he clenched his fists in a bid to control himself and avoid losing his temper.

The man in front of him didn't know when his legs began to tremble softly and his throat began to constrict because of the pressure that Tenebris was emitting.

Wilhelm noticed this and tried to calm Tenebris down by placing his arm on his shoulder while saying, "Calm down Bris.... Tenebris, we can just simply go outside and get an appointment"

"Are you talking to me?" Tenebris barked at the man in front of him without even paying any attention to Wilhelm who was behind him,

The man opened his mouth to reply but the fear he felt from looking at this hideous and angry man with a monster aura before him had left him dumbstruck, his mouth just hung open like a fish gasping for air.

"I think that's enough..."

The man in front of Tenebris let out a sigh of relief at the sound of the deep voice, it was the voice of the director.

Tenebris could've continued bullying the poor man before him but he stopped at the sound of the director's voice and turned to face him. The huge burly man towered over Tenebris' measly frame and Tenebris couldn't help but scowl at the fact that he had to look up to see the man's face.

Director Max placed a hand on Tenebris' shoulder and smiled broadly, "Nice battle scars you got there"

Tenebris scoffed as he perceived the man's aura and walked out on him, everyone gasped in shock,

"How dare you walk out on the director!!" One of the guards yelled and signalled the others to restrain Tenebris but director Max raised a hand and halted them.

"Don't worry, it's alright." He said and they all watched as Tenebris walked out in annoyance.

"I'm sorry director Max, I'll try to get him in order." Wilhelm said with a bow and walked out after Tenebris.

In the hallway,

'Who the hell is that director? The amount of demonic energy inside him is something else' Tenebris thought as he walked then he stopped as he heard Wilhelm calling his name.

He turned and faced Wilhelm with a calm face, every hint of annoyance had simply vanished from his face. Wilhelm was actually surprised because he had expected him to be angry.

"Look Tenebris, I'm sorry about what happened in there but I need to you to get yourself in order. There are some people here that you shouldn't treat with disrespect" Wilhelm said,

"How do I get an appointment to measure my rank?" Tenebris asked,

Wilhelm was slightly taken aback by the question but he quickly said, "Didn't you hear what I said? You just disrespected the director of TMA!"

"Do I look like I care?" Tenebris said and gave Wilhelm a chilly glare,

Wilhelm shivered in fear and decided not to push the issue any longer, "You have to go to the magic measurement division and register for an evaluation"

"Let's go" Tenebris said and Wilhelm followed him to keep watch over him to prevent nasty incidents.