Secret lover

The sound of dripping infusion fluid rang out loud in the sudden silence in one of the hospital rooms.

Sturdy walls enclose eternal silence. Under the white blanket, Naomi was still lying weakly beside her bed, holding back tears and small sobs, biting her lips. It was already the third day after the successful New Year's morning brought ruin to her.

"Sorry Naomi, can you just agree? It's not going to be complicated," Alfian said.

Naomi was still looking down, hiding the tears that were starting to seep out of her eyes. Her hands squeezed tightly around the hospital blanket she was using.

"You can still have it later, but for this one, give it to Airin." Alfian's hoarse voice sounded sad, the man who became her husband muttered, pleading for the umpteenth time.

"Wh-why are you doing this?" Naomi asked quietly. Her voice was barely audible.

"Sorry ...."


That was the only word her husband mumbled when Naomi asked him the reason. As if it didn't matter.

Naomi pressed against her chest, it hurt and stabbed excruciatingly. She looked up. Everything looks blurry and indistinct. Her vision was blurry, looking tired.

Her eyes hurt. Naomi herself did not know how long she had been crying for those three days. She had shed countless tears.

It hurts. As in the past, neglected, wasted, and unwanted.

She's a sad secret lover. A stupid woman who can only be fooled by circumstances.

Naomi doesn't know what's wrong, she always relents, never demands more, and no one even knows about their marriage, including living in a simple house. She never asked for a monthly fee or branded goods like most conglomerate wives.

But what did she get? It was all just lies.

"Tell me, is there even a little you like me? Alfian?" Naomi asked hoarsely. Alfian did not answer. He sat on the edge of Naomi's bed. The creaking sound was clear. Alfian lightly touched his wife's jaw to look up at her.

"Look at me!"

Alfian looked at Naomi's pale face, but she was still beautiful even with puffy eyes and a runny nose.

He has two wives, whom he secretly married. The first is Naomi, an orphaned, innocent woman who has been infatuated with him since he was in high school.

She always sends him letters that are tucked in his locker. But Alfian never paid attention to it.

Evil ... yes, because in Alfian's heart there is only the figure of Airin, his first wife. The woman who married on the basis of great love.

Alfian took a deep breath before finally looking back at the poor woman.

Naomi Aurora...

"Listen Naomi, she's ours, Airin and I. We agreed on that," Alfian said in a hoarse voice. He reminded her of the consent letter that Naomi had never even consciously signed.

Alfian held both of Naomi's hands, which were shaking violently, then took the initiative to hug his wife warmly.

A small cry immediately sounded in Naomi's room. She lightly thumped her husband's chest, channeling the sudden despair that overtook her.

"Sorry Naomi, I love you so much."

Naomi hissed, raising her voice, "Then please cancel your plans. I don't want to give up Angel. " Naomi hastened, "I don't want to lose my daughter, please."


"I can't be separated from my baby. She's my life, Al. Please..."

"Naomi! Naomi! Listen. " Alfian let go of his embrace and gently shook Naomi's shoulder while looking at her.

"Everything will be fine. Nothing will separate you two. You can still see her for some time. Airin won't mind."

Naomi refuses. That means the baby will still be taken, right?

Naomi was silent. Her chest still felt tight, even though she already knew that fact. But still, the wound opened again when her husband sided with the woman named Airin. Alfian's first wife had just met a few days ago.

Stupid, very stupid!

Naomi never thought something cruel like this would be experienced. She also never thought that she would have another relationship with the figure of Airin Sabrina Matthew.

The perfect woman is someone who has everything beauty, a good body, and also wealth. Her parents were the owners of the number one property company in the country and even penetrated the states.

It's only natural that Airin used to date Alfian Adams. They were a couple goals in high school. A harmonious couple that makes other people choose to step back slowly, including Naomi, who is only a secret admirer of Alfian Adams.

After graduation day, Naomi thought it was over. She can continue her life without the shadow of the man she loves.

Time passed. In the end, Naomi was reunited at a cafe where she used to listen to a song to cover her past longing.

Their meeting was so magical every time. Where he is, there is Naomi.

Alfian took her home several times. Their relationship went very far. Until Naomi herself, she was never suspicious of a proposal statement that seemed rushed after a month of dating.

Naomi accepted, of course. She was overjoyed, her heart was overflowing, and she felt as if she were in a dream after hearing a request from the man she had admired for so long.

Alfian Adams....

The figure was her biggest dream. Naomi never even questioned the strange things that happened during their marriage.

Alfian seemed to cover a lot of things. Her husband never even introduced her to his mother-in-law.

Time goes by faster, but Naomi still doesn't mention Alfian, who rarely comes home and never introduces her status as a wife to Alfian's parents or outsiders.

Even until this moment, Alfian has never given her any inner support or sex. They only sleep in the same bed and never do anything further than hug. Naomi remained patient and did not offend her husband, even though deep inside her curiosity was starting to haunt her.

Is there something wrong with her that her husband refuses to touch her?

Naomi wanted to ask directly but was reluctant. Even in their first year of marriage, the relationship was not very close, almost foreign without talking too much.

Another oddity emerged when Naomi found her husband kissing another woman in the mall fitting room.

Naomi goes on a rampage, berating them in public. But what she got was just the opposite.

Alfian, her husband, admits that Airin is his wife and Naomi is someone else.

She can't imagine how hurt Naomi felt at that time. But she didn't scream anymore. She just sighed and left with a disappointed look.

To be continued...