Chapter three


Sparrow is born.

In just a number of weeks that bastard Knox had completely turned my whole life upside down and the worst is he didn't even have any remorse.

But I didn't need it either because what he did to me is unforgivable.

I left the hospital in a fit of rage even though Knox was far away from me he still had the power to ruin my life from afar I'd just have to watch eventhing unfold.

I'd lost my job and no company would hire me thanks to Knox and his family but one thing was for sure I couldn't keep this monster growing inside me.

It belongs to Knox.

I'm sure it would be amausing to leave a baby on his doorstep.

I placed my hand over my stomach.

He got me knocked up.

I sat on the bed debating my next move untill a knock from outside interrupted my thoughts.

I went to answer the door and found the landlord outside. I sweetly smiled at him and he frowned at me.

He crossed his arms over his chest.

"So you're finally home today?"

I nodded quitely.

"Would you like to come in? I can make you some tea."

He shook his head negatively.

"Enough about the tea Ms. Primrose you've been avoiding me this past week because your rent is due."

"I wasn't avoiding you sir I was just actually going out because I need to find a job."

"I recently got fired and…things haven't been easy for me."

"I'm sorry to hear that Ms. Primrose but you can't live here for free and I need that rent money."

"I'll give you three days if you can't find the money in the next three days. I'd suggest you start packing up your things."

I sighed softly and leaned against the door.

I still had so many things to do but I had very little time.

The next morning I went back into town to look for a job. I had the best qualifications on my resume but yet people still refused to hire me.

They all rejected me.

And I already knew why they wouldn't hire me. Thanks to that scumbag I'd lost my luxurious life and I was about to find myself on the streets.

I was going to be homeless and pregnant.

I know that I won't manage to pay the landlord back his money and I know what's also coming next.

I have to leave and go back home.

I'm sure that once my parents find out my situation they will be rather disappointed, especially my father.

The next morning I didn't waste any time. I sold the furniture I owned and packed my bags. I bid the landlord goodbye and the city I loved so much.

All my broken dreams and aspirations would remain right here and they would be buried here forever.

I looked back at my house and a single tear rolled down my cheek.

I gently wiped it away.

One day I'll come back to buy it back and I will destroy Knox and his entire family.

The ride home was long and when I arrived in the evening everything around here still looked the same.

It's like I never left at all.

My parents lived on a farm in a small town and they loved it here. And I have to admit being here brought back a lot of my childhood memories.

The good and the bad ones.

I made my way towards the entrance and knocked on the door.

I glanced at my suitcase.

They didn't even know what was going on in my life right now.

The door opened and mother let out a gasp when she saw me.

I smiled at her.


I was planning to keep the truth from them for a little while.

She engulfed me in her arms hugging me tightly and for the first time in my life I felt the comfort I needed.

But I couldn't afford to feel emotional right now. I couldn't tell my parents what was really going on.

She pulled back and cupped both of my cheeks gently.

Tears silently spilled down her cheeks.


"You've lost some weight just look at how skinny you are now. I'm sure that your new job must be taking a toll on you."

I nodded quietly.

"Which is why I came here for a break. I need to be away from the city."

She ushered me inside the house.

"You made the right decision honey."

She helped me with my bag and showed me to my old room.

It still looked the same.

Even my posters and childhood drawings were stuck on the wall.

"I didn't want to change a single thing in here. I knew that one day you would come back home."

"But if you don't like it I can change everything for you."

I grasped her hand and smiled at her.

"Everything is perfect mom and I don't wish to change anything here."

She smiled at me.

"Where is dad?"

"He went to buy a few things from the store I'm sure that he'll be back anytime soon."

I heard the door being closed.

"I think your father has arrived."

I nodded quitely and followed mom to living room.

"Artemis look who's here."

My dad looked up and saw me.

He dropped the bag of groceries he was holding.

"Hello father."

My father and I weren't exactly on the best terms because he didn't want me to work as a journalist.

He often called it the devil's workshop.

He was extremely old fashioned.

He walked past me and went to the kitchen.

He hasn't changed either.

I left my mother and went back to my room.


Maybe it's time I finally come clean because my parents have been asking me a lot of questions and why I'm not going back to New York.

I would tell them the whole truth at dinner time and end this once and for all.

Dinner time seemed to arrive in the blink of an eye.

I cleared my throat nervously.

They both looked up.

"I have something important to say."

"I haven't been honest with you guys and I shouldn't have told you the truth that moment I arrived here."

My mother grasped my hand urging me to continue.

I nodded quietly.

Did she know?

"I got fired."

Tears blurred my vision.

"I lost my house."

"I can't find a job either and I…"

"I'm pregnant too."

Immediately my father heard the last sentence he got up glaring at me.

"How could you be so careless Amber?!"

Tears spilled down my cheeks.

"It wasn't my fault…I was raped."

He moved away from the table and grabbed my hand dragging me outside.

"Artemis let her go!"

He pushed me outside and I fell to the ground with a thud.

It was raining outside.

I was covered in mud.

"If it wasn't your fault then go back to the man who got you pregnant!"

"Do you know what shame you've brought me?!"

"All the neighbors are going to be pointing fingers at us saying that we didn't raise you well!"

"You are not staying in this house."

My mother rushed over to my side helping me stand to my feet.

"Artemis, she's still our daughter you heard what she said."

"We can't abandon her at this stage; she needs us more than ever."

Father went back inside slamming the door shut.

He was livid.

"Did you know?"I finally whispered when we were alone.

She nodded quitely.

"I saw your medication."

"I'm sorry."

She hugged to me tightly.

"You don't have to apologize besides it wasn't your fault."

"Do you remember the man who raped you? We need to make sure he gets locked up behind bars."

I shook my head negatively.

"No I never got to see his face."

Yes I lied but only to protect my parents from Knox and his family.

"Come on let's go inside before you catch a cold."

I nodded quitely and she escorted me to my bedroom.

"Go get changed I'll talk to your father."

When she finally left I heard my parents yelling at each other.

I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and changed into my warm clothes.

My father was right, I couldn't stay here.

I was going to leave tomorrow morning, maybe it's time I handle my own problems from now on.

I wrote my mother a letter.

I know that she'll be devastated once she finds out that I'm gone.

The next morning I woke really early and packed my suitcase.

I went downstairs and before I could turn the door knob I heard his voice.

"Does your mother know that you're leaving?"

I couldn't look him in the eye.

"No she doesn't need to know."

"Once you leave this Amber don't ever come back here again."

Tears silently spilled down my cheeks.

I opened the door and left.

I won't come back even if I have to live on the streets my whole life.

I got on the bus with no location.

And then she came along.


I opened my eyes and heard a baby's cry.

The nurse's kept gushing over my newborn but I didn't pay much attention to them because I wanted nothing to do with that child.

"You gave birth to a daughter."

"You should hold her in your arms" the nurse muttered quietly.

I moved away.

"I don't want to see her."


I looked away and felt the anger burning inside me.

She had his red hair.

"What are you going to name?"

I turned around glaring at her.

"I don't care, just call her Sparrow!"

She's a bird.