It Begins!

(her and dontae were now in the hallway)

Dontae - so you're not jasmine?

Aphrodite - nope just my little mission assignment and i assume you were the one that saw dad 'kill' me? He was texting me so that's why i was on my phone, he was telling when to come down the alley

Aphrodite - plus he knew about your little outside time and made it that way so you'd catch him so he could convince you to join him by instilling fear but it seems it didn't work since you guys ended up opposing him

Dontae - and I'm guessing that's what you guys came to do?

Aphrodite - yeah and he told us by any means necessary short of killing you which means we can't fight you guys at full strength

(she turned into joey and flew over to him and she kicked him in the chest then turned back into herself)

(dontae was on the ground and rolled back on his feet)

(dontae self thoughts- "so she can use whoever she turns into abilities? "I gotta stop her from turning into aj or 'him'")

Dontae - so how old are you? Since you and your twin look older than us and the other two have to be the oldest

Aphrodite - i don't know what you're stalling for but yes that's true

(she rushed and switched to joey then dontae and finally aj and used the super strength to punch him and dontae went to block but she turned into timothy and Pin Pointed behind him and turned into aj again and spread the aura to her legs and kicked him into the wall)

(she walked towards him as herself)

Aphrodite - you'll never be able to beat me because my power is far better and more honed than your own, we went through rigorous training and i got the worst of it so i'm undoubtedly the strongest of the children

(dontae smiled)

Dontae - that's funny

(a copy was behind her and it choked her and when she tried to get out of it he slammed her to the ground and dontae made five more appear to surround her with them at her throat)

(as dontae got up and walked over his copy behind him grabbed him and threw him into the wall and it turned into aphrodite and she turned into timothy and Pin Pointed and threw him back to the ground and Pin Pointed back and turned into aj on the ground and lifted him and charged up the power and punched dontae in the gut as he went threw multiple stories and even past by joey and shadow atlas and he was on the top floor so she turned into joey and flew up after him)

(she finally got to the floor he was on and started walking towards him)

Aphrodite - after i landed my blow i used a copy and then turned invisible so when you thought that was me i got the drop on you

Aphrodite - my power is to much of a problem for any of you to deal with on your own, i was trained to take all of the younger brothers at once and to beat ALL the brother's individually in a one on one

(dontae was on the ground struggling to breath after taking a direct hit to the stomach)

Aphrodite - are you even listening to me?

(she kicked him in the face and then she punched him in the face and then and lifted up her foot and stomped down but dontae caught it and struggled to keep it away from his face)

(she laughed at him and turned into someone dontae has never seen before and he went through the ground and before dontae hit the ground she used Pin Point and was standing on top of him)

Aphrodite - you'll never know victory against me

(and as he came down to hit the ground she jumped off and he landed on his back in severe pain)

Aphrodite - so are you ready to join us?

(she got no response from him)

Aphrodite - oh the silent treatment? I know i lied to you about my secret identity and my mission but it was only to preserve the upper hand i had on you guys, we need you guys to join us because i honestly don't want to see anyone killed in cold blood for their right of choice but you know our father he's merciless

(dontae was groaning but he started to regain his balance little by little and eventually got back on his feet)

Dontae - don't ever say that again

Aphrodite - say what?

(dontae started to speak)


(aphrodite was shocked by that and looked at him with more respect)