Atlas - what the hell was that?
Shadow Atlas - you're gonna kill 'em and you know what dad said
(atlas looked back at aj)
(shadow atlas walked over to his older brother)
Shadow Atlas - let's just get this over with
(atlas looked at his younger brother and back at aj and dropped aj to the ground)
(atlas threw aj over to the rest of them while gripping his broken arm and atlas snapped it back in since it was a clean break and winced in pain while the older siblings all looked over to a dark spot in the corner and they saw a shadowy figure standing there and out walked father who was looking at his kids in one spot and walked over to the older siblings and stood their in front of them like a proud father would
Father - you guys did good
Father - I've never been prouder but i see your arm was broken atlas, is it ok now?
(atlas shook his head yes)
(the older siblings looked at him and all took a knee and bowed their head to their dad)
Atlas - we completed our missi-
Father - boy what did you say?
(atlas looked down in fear and waited for his dad to strike him down)
Atlas - i'm sorry father i didn't mean it
Father - only speak when spoken to boy and don't make me repeat myself
(atlas nodded his head and all his siblings looked at him because they knew the severity of what their older brother had done and felt bad because of it)
Father - now what did they decide?
Father - now you can talk
Atlas - well they di-
(father kicked him right across the face and atlas fell to the ground and blood was leaking out of his mouth and he spit it out)
Father - i was talking to aphrodite because she seems to be more of a leader than you will ever be, I know I said don't use your full strength but your the oldest yet sustained the worst injury
(the kids were afraid but didn't want to show it and aphrodite spoke up)
Aphrodite - they wouldn't comply and you said not to kill them so i would say maybe you can convince them but they seem pretty stubborn
Aphrodite - and to come to atlas's defense he took on aj alone who has the greatest strength of them
(father looked at altas)
(father then looked at the younger siblings)
Father - so my other kids look like shit and they still wouldn't turn over a new leaf, god they are stubborn well let's go and give them a talking to
(he walked past his other kids and they followed behind him and he stopped in front of the boys who were beaten)
Father - well well well look who it is, i had a feeling you guys survived but i just couldn't prove it and there's a million wanna-be vigilantes in this damn city so i couldn't tell who was who so i sent out my oldest children to hunt and sniff you out and here we are
Father - one big happy family
(he reached out to grab a battered dontae who smacked away his hand)
Dontae - don't touch me you bastard!
(father laughed a little and then dontae began to float in the air without anyone touching him but father had his hand outstretched)
Father - yeah this is one of my other abilities, telekinesis
Father - pretty cool right?
(then he tightened his hand)
(dontae began to lose air and started struggling to breath and grabbed at his throat but he couldn't stop it)
Father - yeah it comes in pretty handy when i need to handle a disrespectful little shit like you
(he then drops him and dontae started to gasping and choking)
(father then bent down and they were face to face)
Father - you guys better join me or it will be the end of all of you, i'll make certain of it this time
(dontae started to get on his knees and hands and out of breath he said)
Dontae - we'd rather die.. Than ever join you
Dontae - those kids behind you are just afraid of you and we'll never be afraid
Father - you don't get it i trained those kids behind me (he pointed behind him) way harsher than i ever did you guys and that's because of your weak mother who protected you guys for far to long and now i have to do things like this for you guys to see the point
Dontae - you'll never know the meaning of true love that a child has for their father because we don't care anymore and they only follow you out of fear