Chapter 6.3 The Adventure

And so our story begins a new chapter! The Adventure! And so our new chapter begins with of course Lena complaining about carrying the apples for hours, yep only hours since they made a move. Flashback!

/// Flashback ///

Ak-12: "Ok commander, so where do we go?" Ak-12 asks a serious question, after all Lena said she was going to explore this world with Ak-12, but with no maps and no way to tell where is all the wonders of the world, they had to take a random direction.

Lena: "All so mighty stick of fate please tell us where to go!" Lena chants(?) a spell and lets go of a stick she picked up randomly, and it falls facing South-West.

Ak-12: "So we are going south west Commander?" Ak-12 asks as she thinks the decision making on this one was a joke to make her laugh, as it seemed to random and not considering anything in mind, but her horror came true.

Lena: "Yep, The Holy stick said South West, so we go south west. Dont worry its gonna be fun!" Lena's Decision making was horrible since when she was a kid, when asked what she wanted to eat she could not pic and in the end she ate at home what she ate every other day, and so she came up with the idea of Holy roulette! The roulette that choose what she would eat that day.

Ak-12: 'My commander sure is cute.'

/// End of Flashback ///

Lena: "Ak-12 can we rest for a bit? my arms are gonna fall off for grabing onto my streched out shirt to much." Lena asks Ak-12 for a bit of rest for her poor arm grabing onto the shirt thats carrying apples(8 Apples).

Ak-12 then just turns her head to Lena and nods telling her they can rest under a tree.

Lena: "Ah! Now that I think about it lets test out the pills." she sais as she pulls out some glass boxes out from her short-jacket's pocket. Lena: "Ak-12, do you know how to use these? After all Its not the first time you do right?" Lena asks Ak-12 couse she didnt know how to use the pills.

Ak-12: "The conteiner should open when saying 'Open sesame' and eat it with water." Ak-12 tells Lena, but Lena then notices she dosnt have water, but surprisingly didnt feel thirsty. Lena: 'Maybe apples have food buff?' She thought to herself jokingly and giggled.

Lena: "Ok, lets get some water for you to eat these." now they had a side-quest! Get water for Ak-12 to eat the pills.

Ak-12: "I perfected the way of eating it so I can eat it without water." as soon as she says that Lena turns around with a shocked and dissapointed face, and so the side-quest was shotdown.

And so Lena gives Ak-12 12 capsules, wich Ak-12 opens and eats one by one to not choke on them.

Phone: "Ak-12 ate 12 capsules, giving +3Dmg, +2Acc, +4Spd, +3Aspd." the phone rings and Lena jumps as she isnt used to her phone ringing randomly, as she always had her phone on silent mode.

Ak-12: 'Her fur jumped aswell... By the way what is the phone giving me?'

Lena: "wah... That scared me, ok lets check you on the phone." she opened the app and checked Ak-12 on it.

--- Ak-12 ---

-Energy - 92%

-Condition - perfect

-Ammo count - 187

-Ammo type - 5.45x39mm


Lena: "huh? where are the stats?" indeed where are the stats? The answer is that stats are a mental thing yes they get stronger but its a non-existing thing you can not see them! And so there is no stat page!

Ak-12: "Stats? Is the thing you see not stats commander?" Ak-12 asks, of course she does not know what stats are they live by who has better exoskeleton and computer A.I and stuff not stats.

Lena: 'oh... Its not a game, its reality.' she thinks to herself after hearing Ak-12 ask what stats are.

Lena: "No never mind, anyway how do I use cores then?" (wait it didnt face her? reality just hit her and she is still cheerful as ever...) Lena was always fast on moving on, but it does not mean she would forget it ether, she just likes to think on the good side of life she saw many that didnt after all but revenge was something else, she would always payback.

Ak-12: "I dont know ether why dont you ask the phone? We allways asked Kalina to order dummies." Ak-12 didnt know how cores are use aswell, and so Lena went back to the menu and thought to herself where would core stuff be?









Lena: 'huh? Sangivis still has the new tag on it, well thats nice and annoying.' Lena liked to have un-opened mails that was not important, she liked it when it had the big number above the mail app on her phone for no reason, but right now it was one that she opened but it stayed like that, that would be annoying.

Lena: 'Ok, well I never opened equipment, so lets do it now.' and so she opens Equipment and reads through the guide that pops up.

Phone: "Equipment, equipment thats obtained through Summons can be put on a inventory with a equipment-storage-box (can not put anything thats not equipment on the box) , and can be called down infront of you with no cooldown, please be careful to not calldown ontop of another box it may break themselfs or explode."

Lena: "Ok, simple enough, next the mods then." Lena goes back and opens Mods, and the phone puts up another quick guide.

Phone: "Mods, You can change, add or remove modification to a T-Doll/Sangivis Ferri(NEW) at the cost of cores parts or Fire-Control-components"

Lena: "Ok seems I found what I was looking for."


-Dummy link

-Add skill

-Add permanent equipment

-Equip equipment

-Change gun

-Remove skill


Lena: "Ok lets see how much it cost for one Ak-12 dummy." she opens Dummy link to check couse she knows for sure she would not have enough.

--Dummy Link--

Ak-12 -Dummy count 0 -ADD dummy - 1000 parts+5 cores

-- --

Lena: 'Seems like parts are used too, quite cheap. But how does it take the resourses that I have?' but as she thinks.

Ak-12: "Commander, it will begin to rain in about an hour." Ak-12 informs of a weather change as the winds blows stonger than before and clouds began to darken little by little.