Chapter 11

Ak-12 slips off of the tree's branch as Bahrk bashed into the tree, and as Ak-12 was falling Lena grabs Ak-12's leg as she hangs around the branch.

And with that Ak-12 shoots at Bahrk's head with 2 mags full of bullets, as she did she head a loud howl.

Bahrk's magic-wolves: "Big bro!" and when the wolves were distracted by Bahrk howl of pain Ak-12 quickly reloaded and shot the wolves at the back that could use magic and as they were distracted they could not put up a shield fast enough.

Bahrk: "Kill them!" But Bahrk still did not fall after all the holes his head had and even showed a bit of what seems like his brain.

Ak-12: "That's a bit disappointing." she said with a disappointed that Bahrk didn't die from 2 full magazines worth of bullets, and so Lena pulls up Ak-12 that was still hanging of her leg that Lena was barely grabbing on to.

And with magic gone and with Bahrk missing half his face the wolves wanted to retreat, but not so fast with Bahrk killing of a wolf that was retreating.

Bahrk: "You don't retreat before that thing is dead!" it was out for blood and revenge for his face and precious magic-wolves.

But every wolf knew, that as long as Ak-12 and Lena was on top of that tree, they had no chance.

And with Bahrk heavily weaken the wolves betrayed Bahrk and attacked him.

Bahrk: "What are you doing?!" Bahrk made a big mistake with the wolves that he always killed, ate and ordered around, they had no loyalty for such leader.

wolves: "If we die we will kill you before we die! For all our brothers you killed!"

And while all this happened Ak-12 just watched above them smiling as always, but this time was different, this time she was smiling like a parent who was smiling at there kid for doing a good job. Lena at the side who saw the smile remembered. Lena: 'I forgot... she was a sadist who made her enemies attack each other.'

And so Bahrk fell and died against his own pack. and the rest of the wolves who were going to run got shot down by Ak-12 as she had her fun.

So Ak-12 closes her eyes and turns on her emotions again, but dew to a bit of over usage of her eyes she starts to heat up.

Ak-12: "I am overheating a bit boss, I'll be in the shade resting for a bit." And with a nod from Lena she stays quiet.

Lena: "Now, its my time to collect the rewards." and so Lena came down the tree and started collecting every corpse.

/// Collecting In Process ///


/// Collecting Done ///

And so the inventory looked like so:

// backpack //

Rations : 2

Parts : 231

Capsules : 89

Cores : 16

Ticket : 1


And so Lena got herself another ticket.

Ak-12: "I'm cooled down boss." she informs Lena.

Lena: "Oh! good timing Ak-12, I just got a ticket for a summon, oh by the way how many bullets do you have left?"

Ak-12: "Oh, I see, so Bahrk was a boss, and I have 95 bullets left." Ak-12 responds to Lena's question.

And with a bit of sadness Lena hoped for a supply box, and ripped the summoning ticket and with a bright shine it disappears, Lena then looks up to see the pod that always falls.

Lena: "Huh? Where is the pod?" The drop was nowhere to be found.

Ak-12: "Stand behind me boss." a familiar yet... Not familiar feeling?

???: "Hi~! So are you the new Griffin commander? Hm, no I don't think Griffin would let me out of the cell so... Where am I?" someone said behind Lena touching her ears with curiosity.

Ak-12: "Sangvis Ferri?" Ak-12 asks as she points her gun at the girl with pretty pink eyes a cute smile with black long hair that almost touched the floor in a ponytail.

Lena: "Huh? Aren't You Architect from SF(Sangvis Ferri)?" as Lena turns around she immediately identifies who it was.

Architect: "*Bzzzzt Bzzzzt* Wrong~ Its ex-SF. But where is this? I remember being in my cell and a portal of sorts opened up and I went in it and I was here." she says with her arms in a X form and a cute pout.

Lena: "And why is it that you are in a swimsuit? And where is your gun?"

Architect: "Oh, its summer isn't it? And of course I could ask for a swimsuit! And why would I have a gun in my cell?" that made sense why would she have a gun in her cell, but now she was stuck on her swimsuit until Lena could get her something else...

Ak-12: "Ah, yes it was summer before I got here too. But something makes no sense. Weren't you sent out as bait a few weeks ago?"

Architect: "Huh?...Oh, yea they talked about baiting *'Lady knight' but that was scheduled later this month?"

Lena: "I'm kinda lost, so Ak-12 comes from the future and Architect is from the past?"

Architect: "So where am I?"

Lena: 'Do I trust her? I mean in the game she didn't really like SF... And who is she going to betray me for? I guess its ok.' She thought to herself first. Lena: "We don't know too..."

Ak-12: "Lena are you sure you are going to trust a SF?" Ak-12 wanted to know if she was going to trust a SF.

Lena: "Its fine, the more the merrier right?" Lena reassured Ak-12 worry and its not like Ak-12 was going to talk her out of it either because for her the more people the more protection Lena had.

Ak-12: "If that is what you want Boss." Ak-12 sighs and smiles as she respects Lena's decision.

Architect: "So what do I do? I want to destroy things! Also can I have my gun?" As Architect says something falls behind Lena with *boom* which made Lena jump and puff her tail.

Lena: "What is it now?" As she turns around she finds a box containing one weapon that looked like the one Architect always carried and something weird, a bar of metal.

Architect: "What was that just now? Oh, my gun! And a bar? How did you get this? This is a..."

Disclaimer-guy: "Architect is from the SF(Sangvis Ferri main enemy faction) but didn't like it there that much and only obeyed orders given to her. You can play as the enemy on the game even get skins for them and so I did... Get her swimsuit skin so I have all right to showcase her with it! I think..? And when she says *Lady knight she is talking about Gager a ringleader she was paired with, Gager was the tank and Architect was the firepower and support and so Gager called her princess, knight and the princess.(I will be using the swimsuit version) Her weapon is a large size multi-weapon with missiles a machine-gun and a sword that she does not use but I will use it"