
Inside a dark bar.

The noisy voices of men and women are intertwined with the roaring music.

Frank Bates was alone, sitting at the counter.

A glass of Rustini is in front of him.

This kind of wine has a low degree of concentration. After drinking it, it only has the charm of wine, but it will not have the momentum of wine.

Frank picked it up and drank it in one gulp.

He doesn't like to imitate others, and he drinks and pretends to be elegant and sips little by little.

Good wine, he likes to drink it all in one gulp and enjoy the taste of good wine.

Inside the bar, there was a young female bartender in a bartender uniform.

The uniform of the bar is very conservative, only a little of the neck is exposed, and it can be seen that the skin is very fair.

There is also her small face, young and pure, like a little girl who has just grown up, very lovable.

Just a while ago, six or seven men had already asked her for a phone number.

However, they were all rejected by her.

She glanced at Frank's empty glass and asked.

"Sir, would you like another drink?"

"no need."

Frank put down his glass slowly and glanced at the bartender.

Although it's not bad, if the perfect score for good looks is 10 points, the female bartender is only 7 points at most, and he is not interested in her.

The female bartender glanced at Frank curiously.

What a strange man.

Wearing an ordinary black T-shirt, with a figure logo, a little handsome.

What caught her attention the most was the pair of deep eyes that were enough to make people sink.

As if hiding a secret.

All night he was there, he drank a few amber dream cocktails and did nothing else.

Unlike other men, they come to bars just to hook up with women.

It's just that when it comes to the privacy of the guests, she is very sensible and doesn't ask much.

"Did something interesting happen tonight?" Frank said suddenly after putting down his glass.

"Are you talking to me?" The female bartender suddenly raised her head with curiosity on her face.

"No, I'm talking to them." Frank replied nonchalantly.

The female bartender was puzzled, her eyes were full of doubts, but she just stared blankly at Frank.

Frank didn't go on to explain.

Just after a while.

The noisy conversation between men and women and the deafening sound of bombing music seemed to slowly disappear.

Then, some strange voices entered Frank's ears.

Goblet: "Yeah, this wine is really fragrant, I hope I can only be filled with this wine in the future."

High stool: "I really want to cry. I was just sat on by a fat man weighing a few hundred pounds. My chair legs are about to break."

Mobile phone: "Is this person really a man? He actually cheated his wife by sending a message while chatting with his lover that he was on a business trip."

Beer bottle: "My stomach is so swollen, why don't these rookies continue to drink, I still have a lot of wine in my stomach."

Audio: "Several songs are played repeatedly every night, I want to vomit now listening to them."

Gold-plated necklace: "Alas, I'm obviously a fake gold necklace, but it's always worn by my master, a loser to fool people, and the loser even tricked a female college student into spending the night with her the day before yesterday. , it's just like the world is getting worse."

Luxury car key: "brother necklace, I'm even more miserable. Although you're fake, at least everyone can see you. But the owner I'm with doesn't have a car at all. He takes my luxury car key all day and pretends to be a rich man to cheat money. Pity me for a genuine luxury car key. I didn't poke the key hole of the luxury car. I want to cry!"

Durex: "Can any of you be worse than me? I was held by a loser, and now I'm almost expired, and I haven't been used!"


That's right.

These words are the sounds made by all nearby objects.

This particular situation was accidentally discovered by Frank a few days ago.

He could only hear it when he was concentrating.

In addition to objects, it also includes all life, including animals, birds, and fish.

All in all, Frank can understand their language and can converse with them.

It's just that after listening to it, there is nothing interesting.

Wine table: "OMG! This woman is so crazy, she actually plays a retro revolver game here! Although she looks beautiful."

The wine glass on the wine table: "I was scared to death. When she just shot the gun down, it shook me to the ground."

Red wine on the wine table: "Although my degree is not high, I think she is probably drunk at the moment."

Revolver: "I look scared. If that man dared to play, he would be dead."


Frank paused as he was about to leave, and looked at the wine table.

Curious, Frank moved closer.

Over there, several men scolded and squeezed out of the crowd.

"Fuck! What a crazy woman!"

"That's right, playing Death Revolver, who dares to play with her!"

The two men scolded and walked away.

There were originally some people gathered at the wine table, but many people were scattered in an instant.

A woman who was sitting there, drunk and hazy, was revealed.

She was wearing a blood-red robe, and her figure was extremely enchanting and seductive.

Coupled with that figure and face, at least he can score more than nine points.

She is a stunning beauty.

She was resting her chin in one hand and playing with a six-shot revolver in the other.

Like, a rose with thorns.

A few steps away, there were at least seven or eight people peeking here, but none of them dared to come up.

Frank was very bold and walked straight to this beauty.

After approaching, he sat directly opposite this beauty.

"What? You want to challenge me too?"

The beauty raised her eyebrows, her slightly drunk eyes raised slightly, and looked at Frank.

In this bar, the men who came to strike up a conversation with her all had the same goal.

That is all these men want to spend the night with her, she had already seen it through.

After she finished speaking, the muzzle of the revolver in her hand was aimed at Frank.

"Then it depends on you, whether you have the courage..."