Everyone must kneel

Seeing Frank so confident, the bald man felt uneasy.

what's wrong with this guy?

Otherwise, in the face of the threat of so many machetes, how could he be so confident.

Such people are either extremely powerful, or they are completely fools who have never seen the world!

If it's a fool, it's fine to cut it.

But if it is really powerful, it is not easy to mess with.

The bald man hesitated for a long time, waved his hand, and signaled his subordinates to put away the machete first, and then asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

He's a little scared now, holding back, not daring to be tough with Frank.

And in the distance, Red Rose, who was already scared to death, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Eight o'clock last night, Summer Hotel, Room 701 ... "

Frank said a few words flatly.

But every time the bald man heard a sentence, his face changed greatly, and he became more and more fearful.

After listening to the three sentences, his entire face was full of horror, and sweat dripped down his face, as if he had seen a ghost.

At eight o'clock last night, the bald man naturally knew what to do at the Summer Hotel.

But how did Frank know?

He has done a good job of keeping secrets, and even some of his non-core subordinates don't know about it!

"You...you...how did you know about this!" The bald-headed man was so frightened that his whole body trembled slightly, and his voice stuttered.

If Duke knew about this.

With Duke's ruthlessness, I'm afraid that before he dies, he will have a taste of what life is better than death!

He didn't stop dying, all the members of gang would be buried with him!

This is, whether this man is deceiving him, or whether he really knows about it.

He was suspicious.

"I think about it, what else is there?" Frank asked again, but he was referring to the watch on the wrist of the bald man.

The bald man's watch: "I think about it, that woman has a tiger tattoo on her back , she looks very fierce, and it made me dizzy last night."

Hearing this, Frank chuckled lightly and said to the bald man: "Looking at such a fierce tiger tattoo, you can output crazy output, it seems that you have good taste."

"You know all this! How much do you know?!" The bald man was completely panicked.

This guy really knows everything!

The woman had a tattoo on her back, and only Duke and him knew about the man's words.

The other party even knows this, definitely not cheating him, but really knows about it!

After realizing all this, the bald man looked at Frank in a panic, and even murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

How to completely stop Frank from leaking out?

Well, as long as Frank is killed, no one will know.

"Heh, that video is amazing, I've watched it several times."

Frank touched his chin with a hint of playfulness in his eyes. Looking at the bald man, he added : " Guess, if I die, will someone give this video to Duke?"

"This... "

Hearing this, the bald man immediately put out all his thoughts.

It turned out that the other party already had video evidence in their hands, no wonder they knew the details so clearly.

I saw that the bald man stood up abruptly, and then showed a flattering face, and said politely: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let me go."

"Is this an apologetic attitude?" Frank asked deliberately.

"I ..."

The bald man paused, then gritted his teeth.


With a muffled sound, the bald man's knee hit the wooden floor heavily.

He actually knelt down directly.

"This—how is it possible!" The red rose on the side widened her eyes and was stunned.

The power of the bald man is similar to hers.

When you're in gangs, the most important thing is dignity.

How is it possible to kneel to others!

This is insane!

For a time, Frank's figure seemed to become mysterious.


The younger subordinates of the bald man were also dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on here, how is it okay, our boss suddenly knelt down.

"Do not talk nonsense!"

bald man glared at the people around him fiercely.

He was equally ashamed.

But he dared not kneel!

Kneeling down, begging Frank to forgive, there is still a chance of life.

If you don't kneel and Duke finds out, you'll be dead!

Although he also has a bit of territory, it seems that his power is not small.

But compared with Duke who covers the sky with one hand, it is a fart!

"I'm not used to having so many people standing around," Frank said.

"Kneel! Kneel down for me!" The bald man gritted his teeth and shouted quickly.

Hearing that, a group of subordinates were hesitant.

They were reluctant to ask them to kneel down and pay homage to a figure they had never heard of.

"Whoever doesn't kneel, I will hack him to death!" the bald man shouted.


A group of younger subordinates all fell to their knees in fright...