What if I say I still want to gamble?

As soon as Sam left, everyone's mind returned to the gaming table.

And the dealer , who had already contacted the boss, naturally wanted to stop here, and immediately apologized: "Everyone, let's pause for a while."

"This table has stopped, it seems that a master will be sent over."

"Yes, this young man's gambling skills are too strong."

"However, there is a dice demon in this casino, and this young man is afraid that he will be planted."

The crowd debated for a while.

Basically every casino has a few masters of gambling, just to prevent people like Frank from appearing.

And dice is one of them.

I heard that no one can hear the number of the dice he rolled!

Even, he can shake out the points he wants at will according to his own preferences.

Extremely powerful!

In terms of dice, this casino has not been provocatively successful so far.

"Frank, shall we go?" Joanna asked when everyone was pointing at this side.

"Not in a hurry, let's see how they want to play." Frank leaned back in his chair and waited patiently.

The other party has prepared experts to deal with him immediately, and he is very interested now. After all, he also wants to play against this gambling expert.

So, Frank stretched out, and raised my hand and snapped my fingers.


good-looking waitress in a sexy bunny costume next to her was holding a plate with red wine, beer and drinks on it.

However, there is only one cup of each, and there is a dining car not far away. If you need more cups, you will ask the waiter to turn it upside down.

Of course, guests who can gamble in the casino can drink for free.

She walked this way and stopped beside Frank: "Sir, what do you need?"

"Two glasses of red wine."

After speaking, Frank picked up a chip and flicked his finger.

The chips bounced, drew an arc in the air, and landed exactly on the waitress's plate.

"Hey... one hundred thousand dollars!"

Seeing this chip, the waitress's breath was a little short.

The amount of this chip - one hundred thousand dollars!

As a waiter serving wine in a casino, the tip you can actually earn is far less than that of the welcome waiter who accompanies the guests to gamble.

Earning hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time is already the upper limit of daily effort.

If you can make $10,000 or $ 20,000 at a time, you're lucky.

And this time, it was a full $100,000 tip!

Even the staff of the casino, as long as there are guests rewarding, the chips can be exchanged for the same amount of money.

"I'll give it to you, sir."

The waitress neatly held the plate and walked to the dining car a few steps away, where there were all kinds of wine bottles.

I saw that she quickly poured two glasses of red wine, then walked over to Frank and put down the two glasses of red wine.

"If you need anything else, you can call me at any time." The waitress calmed down her inner excitement and said again eagerly.


Frank picked up a glass of red wine in each hand and handed one to Joanna.

"It's boring to wait, let's have a drink to quench our thirst."

"How can you drink red wine to quench your thirst." Joanna rolled her eyes at Frank, but took the glass obediently.

The two touched each other lightly, and each took a sip.

"This wine... is normal."

The free red wine you can drink in the casino is a bottle of ordinary goods worth about 1,000 US dollars.

If you really want to take out good wine and famous wine to entertain all the guests, the casino can't afford it.

Frank put down the red wine in dissatisfaction.

" Hahaha , this wine is really not good, it's just a mouthwash."

In the distance, a group of five or six people came here.

Walking in front was a square-faced, middle-aged man in his forties. And he is the owner of the casino.

After he finished shouting, he walked directly over here: "It's rare to have a distinguished guest, how can you use such wine to receive it?"

"Have someone open my cellar and serve two glasses of Louis XIV."

After the casino owner finished shouting, he looked at Frank with a smile: "This gentleman, I am Hayden Porter , the owner here. I don't know which casino you are working for?"

Hayden's smiling face was wary, his eyes sharp like eagle eyes, trying to see through Frank.

He felt that Frank was a gambling master sent by other casinos. The general gambling masters were basically supported by the casino, and few of them did it alone.

If you can go to his casino to win money, it is very likely that there are instructions from other casinos behind it!

Therefore, Hayden, the casino owner, is not only wary of Frank, but also wary of whether Frank is backed by his competitors!

However, after watching it for a while, he could only reluctantly give up.

Being stared at by him like this, Frank's face still did not have the slightest wave, as calm as the wind and water.

Let him see no problem!

Hayden's vigilance grew stronger.

This guy seems to have a great heart!

"Just me." Frank tapped the table.

"Then you are an ordinary gambler."

Hayden squinted slightly, then got closer to Frank and whispered, " Little brother, you can take the money you won. I'll give you another ten million dollars. You don't come to our casino to gamble, how about you?"

Another 10 million dollars to send away a great god who may threaten the casino will save a lot of trouble.

No loss!


Frank just chuckled and looked straight at Hayden : " What if I say, I still want to bet?"