A message of $20 million

"Looks? Impossible!"

Hayden shook his head vigorously, shook his head and smiled : " My wife? She is face blind, and can't tell whether a man is handsome or not."

"Really? She can't tell a handsome guy?" Frank said softly, looking directly at Hayden.

"This..." Hayden paused, frowning slightly.

He recalled the bits and pieces of his life, and it seemed—there was something wrong!

His wife claims to be face-blind, but she also chases stars and buys albums from some handsome stars.

While on the road, she will also look back for some handsome guys.

In the past, he thought too much and naturally didn't take it seriously, but now that Frank has broken through, he has to think more.

He is twelve years older than his wife, plus he doesn't pay attention to maintenance, and he looks old even if he has a belly.

This year, he is in his 40s, and his wife is only in her 20s this year, so she is very young.

If it's not for the money.

Then there is only one reason to betray him, and that can only be for the sake of appearance .

Hayden squeezed his hands tightly, then slowly released them, hesitating for a while before taking out his phone.

Then a phone call was made to his wife.

"Huhu...husband, what are you looking for from me?" Over there, came the voice of his wife taking a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" Hayden asked.

"I'm running..." The female voice over there didn't have the slightest doubt, and answered as if she had already figured out a reason to deal with it.

"Is it?"

Hayden's palm clenched a little over the phone.

This sound is not like running!

In the past, he also encountered several phone calls, and his wife was short of breath.

However, he never doubted.

But now, after being reminded by Frank, the more I listen to it, the more strange it becomes!

Absolutely wrong!

Hayden was furious in his heart, and there were a few bloodshots in his eyes. He suppressed his anger and said, " Then keep running."

"Thank you husband, I love you!" There was a coquettish voice over there, and then hung up the phone.

"I asked, my wife has no problem at all!"

Although his heart was full of anger, Hayden still looked at Frank calmly, and made a look of indifference.

"Well, it's fine." Frank nodded.

It's disgraceful to hear about someone wearing a green hat (The green hat means that someone in the couple is cheating).

Even if there is such a thing, it must be dealt with secretly in private, and it will never be open and swaggering.

Frank is just a kind reminder because he won $600 million.

If the other party believes it, he wants to deal with it in private, or he doesn't listen, he doesn't believe him at all, it's none of his business.

"Thank you." Seeing that Frank was very sensible and didn't continue to entangle on this issue, Hayden glanced at Frank gratefully.

Fortunately, Frank did not pursue this matter.

Otherwise, it will really be a big mess, and it will be known to everyone. He is a dignified casino owner and a rich man in the city. I am afraid that he will become the protagonist of the biggest scandal this month!

"Then I'm leaving." Frank stood up and walked out of the office slowly.

After sending Frank out of the office, Hayden closed the door and walked to the sofa with a cold face.

I saw him take out his cell phone and make a call.

"Mouse, find some of your well-informed friends, find out my wife's location, and see if she is messing with other men... Remember, this matter must be kept secret, and no one can let it be. People know, otherwise you know the end! Find out and send me the news!"

The man codenamed Rat is one of his men.

After giving the order, he put the phone down, with a gloomy face, waiting for the news.

After more than ten minutes, the phone rang again, and he picked it up to answer.

"Boss, I found it. My sister-in-law spent $200,000 today on an appointment with a male model... to..." The mouse reported here, stammering and afraid to say it.

"Speak!" Hayden growled, his words already murderous.

"Go to...Summer Hotel!" He couldn't stand the pressure, but he still said it.


The entire phone was smashed to the ground by Hayden in a state of rage, turning into pieces on the ground.

He was shaking slightly with anger.

damn it!

He worked hard to make money, but his wife spent his money to support other men!


I saw him slammed the tea table in front of the sofa, and then yelled at the door: "Tiger, come in for me!"

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Outside, a strong man in a black suit walked in.

He was the head of the casino and Hayden's most trusted man.

"Summer Hotel... Bring some brothers, arrest my wife and the man, and bring them here!"

"Remember, do it secretly, don't reveal any news!"

Hayden ordered to go.

"This... yes!" Tiger nodded heavily.

He doesn't need to question the boss's order, he just needs to follow it.

After receiving the order, he also went out to summon his subordinates to do business.

After all the instructions, Hayden slowly calmed down, and his eyes fell on the torn mobile phone below, which was obviously unusable.

So, he stood up, walked to the desk, picked up the phone above and dialed.

"Let finance pay another $20 million to that account just now!"

"This... Boss, is the other party taking an inch? We can't let him slaughter like this!"

"No." Hayden shook his head: "This has nothing to do with the casino, it's my other transactions with him, you can just do it."

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

Since the other party is so sensible and doesn't reveal his cuckold scandal, he naturally can't treat Frank badly.

At the entrance of the casino, Frank pulled Joanna and was about to go out.


A cell phone rang.

Frank took it out and took a look.

"[Citibank] You received a remittance amount of 20 million US dollars on..."