Ability upgrade, mind dialogue!

The sound of a successful payment, although very light.

But it rang the entire financial room.


Several salesmen opened their eyes slightly and gasped.

This guy actually bought it!

A car worth nearly 25 million dollars, paid for as easily as grocery shopping!

Usually they take their boss to buy a car, even if it is more than one million dollars.

It also takes a few days of consideration and negotiation to sell one, which is already the fastest speed.

And how long did it take for this Ariel to sell an Aston Martin for as much as $25 million ?

It only took less than an hour!

Based on the commission of this car alone, there is a full $300,000, which is already a commission that some people in the store cannot earn in a year!

The salespeople who had just made a mockery look at Ariel with only envy and envy in their eyes.

They feel remorse!

Regret that it wasn't them who took Frank to see the car!

Obviously, they all saw Frank earlier than Ariel.

However, based on their own experience, they believed that Frank couldn't afford a car, so they didn't bother to go to the reception.

Abruptly missed the $300,000 commission!

"I, I, I ... I'll take you to see the car!"

Ariel stammered with excitement.

The $25 million car just sold, as simple as a dream.

Until now, she has not recovered from such intense stimulation.

"Let's go." Frank took Joanna's hand and followed Ariel out.

If you want to test drive into the independent exhibition area of Aston Martin, you need to apply with the store manager.

However, if you have already paid in full, you can skip this step.

Because this car already belongs to Frank.

A few people walked, and they saw the Mercedes-Benz Big G again on the road. Frank's eyes were also attracted to it.

Mercedes-Benz Big G is too wild, and Frank doesn't like it very much.

The price is one or two million dollars, which is not expensive.

However, when Frank just heard the performance of the Mercedes-Benz Big G boasting about itself, it seems to be okay.

Frank glanced at Joanna next to him.

Thinking about it, it seems very convenient to buy another one and keep it, and occasionally use it to do something bad with this beautiful woman next to me in the car.

Although the sports car is handsome, the space inside the car is definitely not enough.

Joanna looked sideways slightly, aware of Frank's gaze, full of beast-like aggression, she seemed to understand something, all blushing and bowing her head shyly.

Seeing that Joanna didn't resist in the slightest, as if letting Jun pick it, Frank moved his index finger even more.

I just don't know if that Mercedes-Benz Big G is enough.

Mercedes-Benz Big G: "Who? Who's calling me? I actually suspect that I'm not enough. Let me tell you, my Mercedes-Benz Big G will make you fit in any posture!"


Frank paused, a look of surprise on his face stopped.

what happened?

Why did Mercedes-Benz Big G actually answer?

You know, Frank just thought about it in his heart and didn't speak.

This Mercedes-Benz big G, have you heard the words in his mind?

Frank stopped, looked at the Mercedes-Benz Big G more than ten paces away, and pondered for a while.

Mercedes-Benz Big G: "What are you looking at? Guy! You actually suspect that I don't have enough space. Are you finding fault?"


Frank was shocked.

His guess was right, this Mercedes-Benz Big G did hear the words in his mind.

However, it seems that the car didn't even hear the part he was just thinking about.

It seemed that only when he consciously placed the target on the car could the car hear the voice in his mind.

Thinking of this, Frank calmed down and tried it out.

He focused his attention on the Mercedes-Benz Big G, and thought to himself: Brother, can you hear me?

Mercedes-Benz Big G: "Nonsense, of course you can hear it, are you stupid?"

excuse me.

Frank silently retracted his mind.

Sure enough.

Before, he could only talk to objects through dictation, how could he suddenly communicate with his mind?

Is this Mercedes-Benz Big G more special, or has his abilities really changed?

Frank suppressed the joy in his heart and looked at a Mercedes-Benz S-Class placed next to the Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Brother, can you hear me?

Mercedes-Benz S-Class: "I can hear you, don't get involved, who is your brother? I am an expensive car worth... $1.1 million. If you want to be my brother, you must be worth at least $2 million. !"

"Sure enough!"

Frank couldn't help but be ecstatic.

Now, he can really use his mind to talk to some objects he wants to talk to!

Although, he also has to listen to what these objects says, but the meaning is completely different.

But at least, you don't have to gossip with things stupidly in front of outsiders like a fool.

"Maybe I have used it too much, and this ability has also evolved?"

Frank rubbed his chin secretly, a little bit of conjecture in his heart.

The emergence of this ability is itself very strange and full of mystery.

Now the ability has changed, and it is normal. The only shortcoming is that this change Frank is unpredictable and cannot be changed.

Only use one step, see the next step.