Not a single one will be spared!

Hearing this, Jack slumped on the ground as if he had seen a ghost.


He's done!

This great job is gone!

"You still have a way." Joanna smirked beside Frank.

She is also not a saintess of sympathy overflowing.

If you are bullied and insulted, you will naturally want revenge.

Jack totally deserves it!

So Frank's behavior, in Joanna's view, is not wrong.

Even - very happy!

"I'll fire him now, Mr. Frank, do you want to go through the procedures for exchanging the car?"

Derek asked cautiously.

The false one-for-three in the compensation rules is too great a loss for him.

Ten million dollars is not much, the store can definitely afford it.

The store manager who can cause such serious consequences is absolutely to blame. Frying is the most basic operation, and he may even have to bear certain losses.

Ten million dollars!

For such a high compensation, even if only part of it, Derek could hardly afford it!

So, Derek kicks Jack out just to quell Frank's anger.

just return or exchange a car, there will be no loss in the store.

His position was naturally preserved.

"Exchanging the car? Do you take me for a fool? I don't want the ten million dollars I waste for nothing?" Frank swiped at Derek.

This man really took it for granted.

So did the salesman who just blatantly shielded his subordinates.

Do you really think he has no brains to deceive?

"Then..." Derek gritted his teeth and said cautiously, "After all, this is the fault of my employees,but it may not pay three cars for one car, so let's pay Mr. Frank $500,000 in the store, and this car is also unconditional. Can be returned, what do you think?"

$500,000 is a price to fool fools.

But Derek couldn't do anything about it. The money was from his own pocket, so naturally it wouldn't be too much.

And he told Frank that he had a rcompensation of three car, which was also to deceive Frank.

Derek knew that the product was bad and concealed the sale. The law clearly stipulated that as long as the lawsuit was filed, Frank impossible lose!

"It's an excellent condition—"

If you are an ordinary person, you may have the mentality of turning big things into small things and turning small things into small things.

After all, you can make $500,000 for nothing.

But Frank is naturally not that stupid!

I saw him gently holding up Joanna's hand next to him: "Let's go to a lawyer now to file a lawsuit, the contract has the frame number, and they can't change the car. How about making 10 million US dollars to buy you a bag?"

"Okay." Joanna smiled sweetly.

"Don't! Don't!" Derek stared, panicked.

He is just a fool who is ignorant. If the other party understands, what he said just now is not attractive at all.

$500,000 is a piece of shit compared to $10 million!

Moreover, the frame number has just been written into the contract, and they can't even urgently transfer a new Range Rover !

It has to be the one in the showroom now!

Now let Frank go to the lawsuit, once the case is filed, it will be completely irreversible!

And Frank was already holding Joanna and took two steps out, and Derek's face became more and more desperate.

"Da da..."

After a few steps, Frank stopped and turned his head slightly: "Actually, it's not impossible to compensate three for one."

"Mr. Frank, you said, I promise you everything!" Derek burst into ecstasy and hurriedly asked.

"Just now, someone was rude to my woman, I think you can deal with it fairly." Frank said calmly.

Hearing this, Joanna bowed her head blushing in shame.

When did she become Frank's woman?

Why doesn't she know it herself?

But—she doesn't seem like I hate it.

Also, Frank seems to be making it for her - even sweeter to her.

"Okay! I'll take care of them now!" Derek nodded again and again.

Just thinking about it, several people, this Frank should not remember.

Then keep his nephew and let everyone else get out of here!

Give Frank an explanation!

"Don't be so troublesome! call all over here, I'll point it, and you'll punish!" Frank spoke softly, his words were calm, but unquestionable!

like Derek's leadership.

The tone of these words is like an order!

But, Derek had to listen!

The arrogant and domineering salesmen just now, one by one, Frank will not let go!

I saw Derek grit his teeth, then picked up his mobile phone, and sent a message to the group chat in the luxury car 4S store .

" @All staff, all sales staff on duty, inform each other and gather at the Land Rover exhibition area immediately!"

ding dong...

All the salesmen in the luxury car comprehensive 4S store shook their mobile phones.

And on a sofa, table and chairs, the arrogant salesmen just now gathered together.

"Fuck, I was thinking of trying to please the sponsor, but I didn't expect to file a complaint against us in the blink of an eye."

"It was earned by that Ariel, but it's useless to complain about us?My salary for three months was only $1,500!"

"My salary is only $1,800, which is not even a fraction of what I get from selling a car."

"That's right, hahaha , the manager is still protecting us and fooling that stupid upstart."

Several people talked for a while, and their words were all mocking .

If you can't be their customers, you can only be the target of abuse in their mouths.

But before a few words were scolded, the mobile phones in the arms of these people all made a trembling sound.

Several people took it out and looked at it, grinning helplessly: "This manager doesn't know what to call us again, it's really a lot of things."

"Let's go and have a look."

Several people got up and walked to the Land Rover exhibition area.