Chapter 40 Family holiday in whitebridge city 3

He informed everyone that he would be raising the child as soon as he learned, coincidentally, that she was her child. His life's motto is "raising her with love." The man, who didn't give a damn about anything, warned everyone that he would go to court if anyone attempted to take his baby away from him.

At first, Liam and Bella wanted to adopt the child, but Ayden subsequently prohibited that. Later, everyone agreed that it was a fantastic idea for the child as well as Ayden. I believe it is the fact that he was the only person who could possibly love her more than anyone did.

Your father had asked my opinion on raising the child. I know it won't be easy for you; please pardon me again, he had pleaded. "I'm sorry, but I was unable to help you or have anything to say to you. I apologize for it." I'll never forget the way he said that—with his eyes and voice filled with such sorrow and regret.

Your father's action was largely opposed by your grandfather and your grandparents. They already had a tense relationship before that, thus I believe that this choice drove them past their breaking point. The conversation abruptly came to an end after that between them.

He couldn't be a decent son, according to your father, who used to say so.

He occasionally felt down, but he never explained why he came to resent his father.

I still don't understand why, but it's not simple because your father wasn't that petty to dislike someone if it wasn't a significant matter.

Why did he leave after that is what I just explained.

Your grandparents pushed your father to his absolute limits.

For him, it was not simple.

He was afraid that one day he might have to choose between you and her.

He was so terrified just to consider that even in a hypothetical scenario.

After a while, she almost lost her life as a result of my negligence.

He didn't express any frustration or hostility against me.

I'm certain he was frightened to death.

And you were frightened as well when she remained unresponsive for a while.

That infant is lucky to have Ayden as her parent.

I am aware that he despises being so distant from you.

He is the kind of person who punishes himself in the name of others.

He is such a wonderful man; I wish you to be like him.

I want you to understand what real love is, what sacrifices are, what responsibility is, and many other concepts.

I hope you get to meet him sometime. And I want that sometime to be very soon.

You might never be able to forgive him, but I want you to know that he was the only admirable and devout person I ever encountered.

I am aware that you are lying, even though you claim to have forgiven and liked him.

You may harbor that hatred deep within your heart as a result of longings.

If you can, try to forgive him."

Her throat is dry from speaking for so long, and she is experiencing some minor discomfort.

Her son is silent as she glances at him.

He keeps the picture of his father in his hand for a time after she hands it to him.

Skylar believes it would be best if she left him alone.

She exits the chamber.

Leo sees the image. He holds the picture and looks at himself.

Leo observes that they actually have a similar appearance.

He is incapable of thinking anything through.

He observes that he looks more like his father did when he was in his youth.

God knows what was going through his mind as he stared at the picture for a while.

He no longer knows his genuine thoughts toward his father, who he previously believed to be someone he liked and respected.

He is unsure about his intentions and whether or not he wants to meet his father.

For him, this is really a difficult time.

Is there another explanation for the separation of father and son, or has God tampered with his happiness?

Not the 22-year-old Leo, but the 4- or 5-year-old Leo who spent his infancy yearning for his father to join him in playtime is responsible for the hurt and rage he felt today.