Preparation of WAR

Leon's pov

I worked my ass off to be respected and now that I am at the top I don't know what I am fighting for

"Master, where are we headed," the driver asked

"let's go to the airport" Leon replied while looking through the window

I think I will go to Russia myself to see how things went, maybe go on a little vacation

'A married couple with a child who was about 8 yrs old was walking on the street' hmmm I wonder what my life would be like if I have a proper family ' Leon thought while staring at them with his dead cold eyes.

"Master, we have arrived " snapping out his imagination Leon looked over to the private airplane which had the word RUBY imprinted on the side(ruby is the name of Leon's organization as a whole)

"Okey, I'll be leaving for Russia after thirty minutes," Leon said to the pilot who was standing at attention "yes sir, I will prepare everything".

Gastov pov

'Damn slave traders, what good do they think will come out of making all this mess' gastov sighted

"haaaaa...then I will be off to Russia to set things right" gastov said while walking out of the room

" yeah you better" Rin replied

Gastov then walked out of the building

That woman why does she always get mad when the master is angry, is it because of her little crush on the master' Gastov thought to himself

But still, Freida(third general) and noel(seventh general) didn't say anything, I'm sure they have their own thing for master

'And as for me, my real name isn't gastov I don't even know my real name, master took me in from the slums taught me how to survive, and take me in as his own, he is like a father no no no more like someone who creates me with care' gastov said while looking at the sky

'Third person pov'

Gastov then ordered his man to pick him up and prepare a flight for Russia

Leon has reached Russia and arrived in a hostel named RUBY

The manager followed by several butlers and a waitress came to greet him in the main hall

"Sir, we have received information about your coming and have made preparations for your stay..., if you please follow me I will guide you to your room," the manager asked

"Proceed" Leon replied without paying much attention

The people around were amazed at the manager's character who would not show his face even if the ambassador of the USA came and now acted as if his life was depending on this man's visit.

They started to murmur "who is this man"

"where is he from" "what is his origin" or something like that?

Leon's pov

I thought I didn't tell gastov about my visit but seems like they already knew.

Well doesn't matter I wasn't tryna hide it anyway

'I'll rest for the day and go to the slave traders tomorrow'

Meanwhile, Gastov has arrived in Russia

Gastov pov

I wonder why the master is coming to Russia, luckily the pilot told me in advance and I got my men prepared in time.

Well first thing first, let me get the job done myself

Third person pov

"Cecil, get the preparation ready, we will be ending the 'northern tycoon'(slave traders organization) today"

"Will I gather all of them," Cecil asked

"nahhh...just the first regiment, since we got assistance from Rin" gastov replied while looking at the dark part of the room

Two men with masks and one woman with a blindfold came out of the shadows

The woman spoke" we greet the fourth general" while slightly bowing

Gastov stared at them with an intimidating aura" Do you think you could sneak up upon me"

The woman backed off a bit then they all did a 90-degree bow" we wouldn't dare, if we have offended you please punish us, we did this on our accord mistress didn't have any involvement " sweating a little from the killing intent which came from gastov

The killing intent then disappeared like it was never there"hahahahaha, lift your head I was only joking, I'm not that small-minded, no need to be so stiff" gastov said while laughing

The three persons then slowly lifted their heads 'but that was a killing intent of someone ready to kill' Lydia thought to herself

"take a seat," gastov said while pointing to an empty chair across from him

"then we will take up your offer," the woman said while signaling the two men to sit down

"This is my trusted right-hand man, Cecil" gastov said while gesturing towards his side

"My name is Cecil asteza, bosein(commander in german) of the first and second regiment of Estrada( an organization under RUBY, led by gastov) pleasure to meet you) Cecil said while slightly bowing.

"My name is Lylia neuvo, and these two don't have a name just call them ghosts, we are commanders of the ghost troops, nice to meet you too," lylia said while slightly bowing

"Now that we are done with the introduction let's get down to business," gastov said while leaning on his table " how many troops have you brought," gastov asked while gesturing to lylia,

"Only the third generation ghost troops, that is about 500 people, each ghost are equal to about 10 fighters with basic skills and about 5 if they are experienced, and have also done several assassinations"

"Good, that will do, our first regiment consists of 50 first-class snipers, 70 rangers, 150 bomb- riders, and 750 reapers, prepare to attack tonight, and don't forget that boss is in Russia"

lylia was startled" what!!! master Leon is in Russia, I didn't get any info on this, what is he doing, will he be watching, should I tel..." lylia was cut off

"Calm down, even we know it recently, we don't know what he came for but we think it's to watch over us in this attack so do your best" gastov said while putting on his coat

" I apologize for my behavior, then we shall do as you say," lylia said while disappearing into the shadows with his two-man