First Yandere acquired

" congratulations master," Azazel blurted out joyous that his master had found people who he can call family, ever since Leon rescued him from the church he always considered himself as a family but his loyalty made him unable to treat Leon equally

" congratulations master," Gastov continued dumbfounded by his announcement

" You seem rather surprised than I thought," Leon said looking at Gastov

" Master I was just curious if you were saying as in underlings or family" he nervously asked

*wham* Gastov was smacked in the back of his head, " ouch, what the" gastov looked to his side just to see Azazel staring at him with an annoyed face

" Are you a general or a secretary, just fucking leave the small details," veins started popping in Gastov's head

" then what are you, his advocate," Gastov replied steaming off a little aura

"wanna find out," Azazel said giving off about the same amount of aura

" ehem!!! then I will be leaving for Elysian tomorrow morning and I will leave the announcement work to you two," Leon said standing and walking towards the main door, the two were too caught on the moment they forgot who they were with

"ahh... yes master, leave it to us," one of them answered giving him one last bow

" Ohh.... and don't let your friendship end," Leon said right before leaving the room and after he close the door he could hear them continue to argue, although many people may see them as being frantic toward each other he knew that it was their way of getting along

When Azazel first came to Ruby there were only some founding members and since his appearance resemble that of a mummy because of the white eyes and the bandages most of them avoided him, so the seven warlords(who were later called the seven generals) took the initiative and talked to him and Gastov was the first to befriend him

*back in the room*

'what is this, I can't even get my heart to beat normally, just the thought of Leon-san is making me heat up and my bottom side is getting wet for no reason, this must be what love feels like, should I tell him? no he can never find out I'm sure he would be disgusted' Lucy was lost in her thoughts as she was bathing herself in one of the chambers connected to the room that they staying

she walked back to the living room where her sisters were as they had finished cleaning themselves, all of them were still in their bathrobes as their former clothes were tattered and are not fit to be worn again

*clack* Leon then entered the room followed by four maids holding one dress each, glancing at each one of them, he noticed that Fei Fei was already asleep again after cleaning herself

" You can wear these for the time being and you can rest in any of the rooms you want,"

the maids gave them the dresses they were holding, each one of them seem to be the perfect size for them

' they seem to be uncomfortable with me but no surprise there' Leon thought

" I know that it may be awkward between us, but I do hope that we will get along and I will be sleeping in the other room," Leon said looking at them

before Leon could get up Lucy suddenly stood up

"NO...." all the other girls including Leon stared at her in confusion

" I mean, you don't need to, there is too much room in here anyway," Lucy exclaimed blushing heavily

" yes, there's no reason for us to feel uncomfortable, you saving us is enough reason for us to trust you," Mia continued

" It's okay, I still need to do some work," Leon said walking out of the room

'I thought that I was gonna get a good chance to peek at his sleeping face but that's okay we're gonna live together, after all, maybe we can even do something, kyaaa no no no that's indecent but if he wants to do it Lucy thought while smiling brightly

" nee-chan, is something going on? you seem quite happy," Yuki asked confused at her sister who was smiling to her ear for no reason

"It's nothing just remembered some old joke," she replied skipping off to one of the rooms and locking herself in

'Ahhh!!! those dead eyes which seem to see through one's soul, it's the eyes of a person yearning to be loved, he's the one I am meant to be with, I can feel it, Ahhh Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san, Leon-san,' Lucy was lost in her thoughts while rubbing her private parts and relieving herself

Leon's pov

'I wonder how the other generals would receive the news, even Gastov was more shocked than I expected,' he thought to himself while walking through the hall

'Well, I hope I made the right decision, growing up I never once had this feeling of family, when my parents died I didn't feel a thing but those sisters even when they were about to die they could still ask to spare their sisters, that just amaze me,'

'anyway, I think I read in the file that the youngest was just 10 years old, maybe I should let her go to school as a normal brother would do,' then he look to his left at a woman, dressed as a maid with blonde hair and a beautiful blue eyes, following with a slower pace

" how would you want to be called if you suddenly had a brother," Leon asked the maid,

The maid was startled by the sudden question and could not give a proper answer for a while

"Ahhh, I think I would prefer to be called by my first name," she answered nervously

" Then should I add miss or lady," Leon continued to ask with a straight face

The maid was dumbfounded by the reply and found it even harder than the first question

" Master, I don't think there is a need for that," the maid replied

" I see, thank you, that was very helpful," Leon said continuing his pace


Author's message~

I hope you enjoy the chapter, feel free to give a review or comment^∆^