The president

Leon's pov

I am currently studying a technique called the ' lap pillow' and as its name suggests it requires a person's head to be laid on another person's legs

This technique seems to be quite popular among siblings so Miss Lucy is currently teaching me

*knock knock*

who could it be, at this hour, Miss Lucy quickly sat up with her cheeks reddened for some reason

"Come in, "I responded

The door slowly opened revealing the head butler standing behind it with his head lowered

" Sorry for the disturbance, Master,"

" what is it," I asked

" It seems like a message for you have arrived," he said handing me a coral file ( a type of messenger that runs with the power of space energy that helps find the receiver easily)

" I see, thank you, you may leave now,"

" as you wish, master,"

I looked at the file and it had the Elysian Government seal on it, I touched the file displaying the message in my head, it seems President Arvan wants to meet up, well doesn't matter I was gonna return to Elysian anyway,

" Let us stop for today, it seems something urgent came up," I said looking at the confused Lucy as she can't see the message without touching it

" Ah-oh yeah, let's do that," she said with a rather sad expression

" We can continue this some other time," when I said that her emotion did a 360, showing her bright smile as she nodded in response

" Then, goodnight, Miss Lucy," I said although the sun was almost starting to rise

Lucy then stopped her pace and turned in my direction, looking at me with a big pout on her cheeks " Lucy," she said

" Pardon,"

" Call me Lucy, just Lucy, don't add the Miss," she said with a low voice and a blush on her cheeks

" oh right, then goodnight Lucy," I said remembering what the maid told me

A cute smile appeared on her face " good night O-onii-san," she said with a huge blush on her face

For some reason being referred to as a brother made me feel good, it made me warm on the chest

"Azazel, come out,"

Azazel then jumped out from the corner of the room," you call for me master,"

" There seems to be an urgent matter, tell the pilot that I will be leaving for Elysian at 7 am, the girls will probably still be resting so you will remain and escort the girls back,"

" Yes Master," then he disappeared the same way


We have arrived at one of the biggest houses in Elysian also my private rest house, an 8,00,000 sq ft home with a white building standing in the middle, surrounded by grass on all sides, there was a huge pool in the backyard, and there are only 50 servants since most of the furniture are automated

"Welcome home, my lord," I was greeted by Kent, the head butler at the front gate with the rest of the servants standing behind him in line

I nodded in response and then walked toward the house

" Kent, I will be leaving to meet the president after thirty minutes,"

" Everything is prepared my lord," he responded

I took a quick shower, ate the meal which was prepared on the table, and rushed off to the President's office

third person pov>

inside the huge building with flags on the walls, a man who was about in his fifties wearing a coat was seated with a man with a slender body who was in his late teens wearing a lavender coat stood beside him

" Mr tripper, I hope you know that there's a line not to be crossed, we do not want to make Mr. Leon our enemy," the older man said looking at the young man beside him

" Mr. President, as ignorant as I can be I am not stupid enough to make the dark lord my enemy, so do not worry he won't find out I'm checking on his details, I'm not called no.1 analyst for no reason," Tripper answered confidently

" my skill doesn't only simply enter one's mind it passes and breaks their mental stability and that is when I will find out his weakness," he continued

*ring ring*


"Mr.President, Mr.Leon has come to meet you," the secretary called

"let him in,"

the door slowly opened and a young man in a black coat who gave off the aura of a royalty and higher being walked in making the people inside nervous just because of the vibe he was giving off, the president quickly stood up from his seat

" Welcome, Mr.Leon," he takes his hand out to offer a handshake,"

"Likewise," Leon said bluntly

' shit, so this is what it's like to be one of the world's strongest, all my instincts are telling me to run away,' Tripper thought

" Who is this," Leon asked looking at the young man beside him

" ahh, this is Felon tripper, world no.1 analyst and has the potential to be in the top 100 ranker in the future, I have hired him to be my bodyguard," the president stated

" what is he doing here," he said blankly staring at him

' he's right, even if there were a dozen of him they wouldn't land a scratch on him' the president thought and decided to analyze him at a later date

Then the president gestured for him to leave the room but Tripper was not trying to leave easily, he used his skill from behind ignoring the president's warning,

' what is this mental power, It's like a huge wall is in front of me, and there seems to be no end to it, I was able to see through the world's top 10 without her knowing but I just can't seem to get through him'

Leon slowly turned his head to his side staring at him

' what is this? the aura before is intensified about six more times, I can barely breathe not to say move, it's like thousands of people are staring at me from all directions' Tripper thought struggling to move

" what do you think you are doing, know your place boy," Leon said with a cold attitude and turned to the President

" Are you declaring war,"

the president could not speak up, his eyes were starting to turn white as he was struggling not to pass out

" ple-please," tripper gathered all his strength to speak up

Leon then released the pressure allowing them to move,

"haah, please do not misunderstand, my curiosity was at fault," tripper said still breathing heavily

" Careful, this might get you killed someday," Leon said giving off a little killing intent

" yes, I will engrave it to my soul," tripper replied getting on his knees, sweating from the killing intent

" leave,"

Tripper quickly left leaving the two alone in the room,

" So why did you call," Leon said looking at Arvon who was still breathing heavily


author's message-

thank you for your support and i will hope you enjoy the chapter ^∆^