Trigger 2

Azazel quickly sent the message to the headquarters, then the Generals and executives arrived in the portal one by one, there were four generals and 26 executives in total, they all went to the committee room and waited for Leon to arrive, every person here was a big shot and respected in their territory

the committee room was quite huge and had a long table going through it and the generals and executives were seated respectively,

Then the main door opens revealing Leon with a dark overcoat followed by Azazel right behind him, all the generals and executives stood up to greet him

"Glory to the dark lord," they chanted

'why does he seem so mad? did I make any recent mistake?' several thoughts were running through the executives

Leon then took his seat at the end of the table, with the chair more elegant than the others and all the people present in the room could feel the sinister vibe coming from him was more intense than usual meaning that he was very pissed so they were careful with their every move

The door opened once more, this time it was Albert the first general carrying a file in his arms, he walked up to Leon and greeted him then started to distribute the file to everyone and took a seat right beside Leon

the file was carrying information about Zoen corporation," ehem, as you have all known I have recently adopted four girls as my siblings, and we were starting to get along just fine, but!" Leon said leaning forward on the table

" Today Yuki came home crying on my shoulder," he continued with a dead tone in his voice

" and she told me that the grandson of the zoen corporation chairman threatened her to destroy her mentally and physically,"

"so I will destroy Zoen corporation lawfully and illegally," Leon said declaring war on zoen corporation

" But, master, the one responsible is only his grandson why must we wage war on the whole company," the finance executive Joe stood up, not knowing Leon's character as he was new to the work

The people sitting around stared at him without a word thinking that he had lost his mind, he was a substitute for his father and he was told that Leon was the chairman and should be called master but he thought that he succeeded the company and that he was just a spoiled brat

he also did this thinking he could impress the female generals, putting himself in a protagonist position

Leon didn't like the question " who are you," he asked

" I'm the first son of Christopher Anderson, Ronny Anderson," he replied with pride in his posture

" I see," Leon replied in an uninterested tone

" Tell your father, Ruby no longer has a connection with him," Leon said turning his chair around

" wha-what do you mean by that, you just can't do that," Ronny answered starting to panic

then in the next second, a ray pierce his left shoulder putting a hole in it, it was the second general Danny blowing the smoke from his fingertip, this wasn't martial arts but mechanical power

" let me get straight, you are still alive because of your father's years of faithful service, don't push your luck," he said showing that it won't be just the shoulder next time

Ronny was still wailing in pain and he pushed aside the butlers who were trying to pull him out

" arghhh, wait what d-," before he could finish Azazel dashed to his back placing his hand on top of his head

[MIND CORRUPTION] Ronny's eyes rolled back, foaming in his mouth then he fell to the ground, then he was dragged out of the room this skill was used for erasing one's memory and consciousness turning them into an empty body,

" Now, are there any other suggestions," Leon asked turning his chair again

no one responded knowing what their fate would be

" Good, now we will carry out as we have planned,"


meanwhile, in the zoen residence, Alexander zoen was currently enjoying his peace in his library waiting for his maid to bring him his tea

the maid with a bruise all over her body came in with his tea, walking over nervously, but to her misfortune, she tripped and spilled the tea all over the floor

Alex who was known for his short-tempered behavior snapped " you lowly bitch, can't you do anything right, wasn't the beating before enough," then he kicked her to the ground beating her nonstop

But luckily his secretary ran in just when she was about to pass out " sir bad news, all our good on the central road and bypass road is blocked off by the order of the president,"

" What, what does that mean, tell the driver I'm leaving immediately," then he dashed towards the entrance leaving the deadbeat maid on the ground


meanwhile, Leon was carrying out his plan for revenge on the school ordering the seven generals to send one elite troop each about the age of 18 to 20

now he is currently sitting in front of seven teenagers, three female, and four male

" state your name," he ordered

" Thomas, a disciple of the first general, black star, Master," the first boy in the corner with a sturdy build and black coat answered

(Trainees or cadets were separated into five ranks white, green, yellow, blue, black, and black star as the highest, and after they reach the age of 20 they can start from grey, violet, lavender, silver, and gold as the highest which is the commander)

this went on for a while with their names respectively as

Henry, blue star

Elizabeth, black star

Isaac, black star

Raja, black star

Itsuki, black star

Sofia, black star

every single one of them was exceptional in their field of expertise

" do you know what is your duty," Leon asked

" to protect miss Yuki and carry out the instructions given to us," they answered in unison

" Good, you will be given points according to your performance, and the one to score the most will be rewarded and you can look forward to it,"

" yes, Master," they answered with a determined face

" But if anything bad happens to, don't let it happen, understood,"

*gulp* " yes, master"

" Now go rest for the night, tomorrow is your big day, go out and show me your worth,"

"Yes, Master,"


at this time Alex was heading to the President not knowing what awaits him

author's message-

I hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you for all your support, have a good day\night^∆^