
Lance walked back to the base by himself without Halo or the leader. People ran the sight of the black trenchcoated man carrying a backpack, even his footsteps were heavy and slow with the weight. It took him ten minutes before he felt the familiar presence behind him.

"So many people thinking they can beat me…" Lance huffed.

[Level 50]

The teen continued to walk while keeping an eye on the man who had been trailing him all day. he was wearing black glasses and worn a torn dirtied cloak that made it hard for Lance to tell where the man stopped and he began.

All of this gave a bad vibe. It was dark too, so if the guy wanted to hide, but he continued to persue Lance in front.

"Lance...you have lost your way..."

he heard from behind the man's voice. His breath hitched as the unknown man spoke to him again but when he turned around, the guy was gone. There wasn't any way for him to know how much time passed since his pursuer left. The sun was low and the light was slowly disappearing into the horizon.

"You sound so familiar..." Lance whispered.

He tried to focus his hearing but the wind was loud enough to cover most sound. He decided to take advantage of the darkness and look for the man; but stopped when he felt someone tug his arm and turn him towards the direction of where the person was trying to drag him.

"Lance! Lance wake up!" A voice shouted.

"Oh, Zari?" Lance mumbled.

Zari looked like she had just gotten out of bed because her hair and dress were messier than usual. She didn't look worried though and still pulled him along excitely inside the building he has lived since he was ten.

They took the elevator to his room where Zari kept pushing him into the room to find a single cupcake with a candle in the middle lit up in the middle of the darkness of the room.

"Zari, what are you doing? What is this?" Lance asked confused.

She grabbed him and put him in a standing position so that he could look at the cake. She was smiling widely at him and her eyes glowed like a pair of green lamps.

"It's your birthday and all you have been working under Halo." She smiled.

"I don't care about my birthday anymore..." Lance muttered under his breath.

[La_n_e can you h_ar m_]

The words between both Lance and Zari could be heard causing Lance to have a headache. He groaned loudly and sat on the floor rubbing his temples.

"I thought I got rid of you!" Zari shouted angrily.

"Who is this?!" Lance yelled.

[I_c_me to sa_v_you]

The voice kept cutting out causing Lance to become dizzy from the pain in his head. Zari noticed Lance struggling to stand but Lance only managed to make himself dizzier and fall on his back.

"Remember what, Zari?" Lance asked.

[La_n_e_ can you h_ar m_]

A sudden sharp stabbing sensation in his back caused him to collapse into Zari's arms. Lance struggled to open his eyes while feeling something soft and wet on his cheek.

"Lance! Are you alright?! Can you hear me?! Say something!" Zari screamed.

[I_c_me to s_v_you]

The terrified teen felt more stabbing pain coming from the same area. His vision was blurry and he started seeing red.

The last thing Lance saw was Zari pulling out a small dagger when she noticed blood coming the spot. It was then a strange sensation happened to him as his body went numb. Then everything became dark.

"Lance! Wake up, Lance!" Zari shouted.

She shook Lance's shoulder hoping to get a response but nothing came out except for muffled murmurs and some incoherent sentences.

"This isn't good..." Zari sighed.

"What the hell was that?!" She exclaimed as she clutched onto her chest trying to stop the bleeding.

[You th_n_I wo_l_f_rget yo_]

"What the hell was that?!" She exclaimed as she clutched onto her chest trying to stop the bleeding.

Zari gasped and looked down to see her hand soaked in blood. Her gaze followed the hand up and she looked in surprise at a pair of crystal white eyes looking right back at her with fear and concern written all over their face. Lance was clutching Zari's shirt tightly and shaking profusely.

"Wha-" Zari was cut short when another stab of pain shot through her torso causing her to cry out.

"Shh...it will be okay, Zari, just stay calm. Don't worry, you're safe now... I'll go get help," Lance said softly. He stood up and immediately fell to the ground unconscious.

Zari's mouth opened and closed but no sounds escaped making the tears stream faster down her cheeks.

[La_n_e_ can you h_ar m_]

There was a silence before there was yet another burst of pain. Zari gasped and clenched her teeth. Another piercing sensation shot through her stomach. She couldn't believe this...this was all Shiro's fault! How dare he use Lance like that!

[L_nc_ I a_ s_r_y]

Zari gritted her teeth until she tasted blood when she bit into her tongue. When the piercing pain subsided she tried to sit up but found she couldn't move her legs.

"Damn it, Shiro!"

When Zari realized she was stuck in the place that was supposed to have healed she let out a scream. She struggled against the force which held her down. She tried yelling for Lance and for help but the only sounds she could make were quiet sobbing and muffled screams.

"Why did you do that?! You bastard! Get this off of me!"

Zari tried to call out to Shiro once again but her throat felt raw. After a few moments of waiting Zari gave up and focused on breathing and focusing on her heartbeat. Her hands went around her chest checking her injuries, she couldn't feel anything besides the blood soaking her clothes.


Tears ran down Zari's cheeks mixing with blood as she cried out once more.

[La_n_e I a_s_r_y]

After several seconds she finally felt her arms free and her legs able to move, they were still shaking badly as she dragged herself backwards away from the wall which held her down. She didn' realize how weak she truly was until she reached the edge of the small bathroom where she was stuck.

her a lot of effort to crawl forward but after some minutes of crawling and screaming she finally reached the door. She grabbed the doorknob and tried opening it but she couldn't move.

"I thought you were Aleena's slave!"