
"Now then while the hero killer is doing his thing you will go back to your owner..." Zari smiled.

A portal opened from nowhere to Shiro's annoyance. He sighed before turning around. "What now?"

"I need you to walk through." She smirked.

Shiro rolled his eyes and sighed again. "Fine." he sighed; but took a step towards the portal to end up back in town watching the destruction as street gangs took over the city, and all hell was unleashed on the citizens of the city.

"What the fuck is going on..." Shiro whispered.

Watching the chaos unfold before him looking around to see if he could see Lance or anyone he knew for that mattered. A group of teenagers bumped into him from behind causing him to fall to the ground.

"Hey, watch where you're fucking going!" The boys yelled at him.

"Sorry... I just wasn't paying attention... Sorry." He said before walking away and hoping they didn't hear any of what he said.