Strange Things

"Okay…" he muttered, turning to look back at the tv with an expressionless face. "I won't ask again." he stated simply. The older boy sighed, knowing he wouldn't get any answers. Instead of continuing his train of thought though, he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and began texting Shiro.

The little boy glanced at him briefly with a small frown, clearly confused by Lance's sudden lack of enthusiasm over their conversation. But instead of commenting about it, the boy turned around fully and continued to watch the news.

"Hey Lance, how is school?" a familiar, warm female voice called through the phone. "Good..."

"Are you seeing a movie tonight?" she asked. A slight smile formed across his lips as he remembered the night before, how he had fallen asleep on her shoulder in the car on the way home.

"Yeah, I am." he answered quietly. "Can I invite a few friends? Maybe Matt and Katie will come." she asked.