
The dragons watched on as Lance practiced with his bow. The small creature they had rescued that morning from the cold was perched in a tree, watching curiously as Lance shot an arrow at some birds flying by. The tiny creature seemed to have a knack for archery and it was only after one successful shot that the creature decided to hop down and join them.

"You guys are just in time. Come meet Lance's dragon." Keith called out to the other humans, gesturing to where Lance sat under a nearby tree. Lance's eyes were glued to his bowstring as he aimed another arrow at the small creatures in front of him, not even looking up at their arrival.

Keith walked over and crouched beside Lance, who didn't look away from his aim. Keith nudged Lance lightly on the shoulder. "Lance." He said softly. When there was still no response, he nudged Lance a little harder. Finally Lance looked up. He looked annoyed but smiled when he saw Keith.