A Presence

Yes, that had to be it. Lance knocked firmly, hoping beyond hope that the person inside would open it. There was silence on the other side and then a slight shuffling noise. Finally after what seemed like forever the door swung wide open revealing a pale face that seemed almost translucent in the moonlight coming through the windows.

"Keith?" Lance questioned. Keith looked surprised to see him standing there, but then a soft smile appeared on his face and he ran forwards and enveloped Lance in his arms, causing both of them to fall backwards onto the ground. "Lance?! You're alive?!" Keith exclaimed as he wrapped his arms tighter around Lance.

They separated slightly but kept holding on tightly to each other. Keith's voice sounded choked and hoarse. "How did you manage to survive the blast? Are your friends ok? I thought I had lost you for good there. We thought... we thought you were dead." Keith whispered.