The Same School With Jae-Hwo.

"Avoiding for no reason is a sign that there is something the heart feels but doesn't realize."


The distance between the school and the house is not too far, just leave the housing complex and turn right and then go straight. The total distance between home and school is about fifteen meters. Very close and can be reached on foot to maintain a healthy body and also protect the earth from vehicle fuel pollution. Yes, although it can be reached by riding a bicycle I prefer to walk while looking at the leaves on the trees and the sunlight that infiltrates the tree branches. If cycling doesn't focus on the road, I'm afraid of crashing because just walking sometimes almost hits a tree or a bench next to the sidewalk.

I was just thinking, I was about to hit a tree and luckily I immediately realized and got a warning from office workers who saw that I was about to hit a tree so be careful.

I breathe in the morning air that is not fresh because of air pollution. The shady trees around the pavement can no longer filter the dirty air due to a large number of motorized vehicles and factory fumes. Even though I'm not an environmentalist, at least I still have compassion for the environment.

"Roosevelt!" shouted my friend Derin in front of the sidewalk towards the school gate.

I waved my hand and ran towards her but I was stopped when a white sedan from the year two thousand and fifteen threw a can of cola into the street. My brain always comes up with amazing ideas, I ran to pick up the can of cola and threw it on the roof of the oncoming sedan. Yep, hit the mark and I laughed with satisfaction.

Several students who saw my action laughed too and he was no exception. What, wait. Are my eyes not wrong? That, Jae-Hwo the neighbor who just returned from Seoul. Why is he here and why is he wearing the same school uniform as the students at my school? No, this is a disaster and I have to avoid it. Must.

When I ran to quickly enter the school gate, I saw the white sedan stop and the driver got out of the car looking at the cola can he had thrown carelessly lodged in the roof of his car. The driver was looking around and I'm sure that person must be looking for who threw the can of cola at his car. I don't care, what's important now is that I have to enter the school gate and when I'm close to Derin whose face looks like she wants to praise me, I immediately pull her hand to run together to enter the school gate.

We were gasping for breath as we entered the school gates and I didn't feel like stopping running for fear that Jae-Hwo would find me. "I go to the toilet first and you go to class first!" I said to Derin whose face was red from the cold and hot air in her body meeting each other.

"Wait!" prevent Derin from me. "Where's your math notebook? I want to copy homework!"

I opened my bag and handed myself a math notebook while saying, "Don't rub it, don't tear it, and just keep it as before!" After seeing Derin give a thumbs up because I couldn't speak due to being breathless, I ran back into the school and headed for the girls' restroom.

While in the toilet, I texted Derin that I was going to be in class just as the bell rang and she had to put my math notebook on my desk before I entered the class. This is crazy, why am I avoiding Jae-Hwo so much when we're friends since childhood and we're also neighbors? I should have greeted him with longing because I haven't seen him for a long time but for some reason, I still don't like him. He too occupied my mom's attention and my mom praised him too much. He and her twin sister always get number one praise from mom but, I like her twin sister because she is always nice to me, whereas Jae-Hwo is always mean to me.

A short story about our friendship when we were little. Me, Jae-Hwo, and his twin sister So Young and Axelle are childhood friends. We were friends and grew up together. My family and the Song family have been neighbors since my parents had only one child, my old sister. Because they are both new people in the complex, our parents are close neighbors and are like family and even together, our mom is both pregnant. After the twins and I were four years old, we had a new neighbor, the Axelle family. Since the four of us were the same age, we were good friends and always played together.

The sound of the bell rang, I rushed out of the toilet cubicle and I hate it when I have to see the exciting upperclassmen dressed up. I ignored them because I wasn't interested in what they were doing. They should have rushed out of the toilet and gone to class to study. Not even busy continuing to make up because the bell has rung.

I entered the classroom and hoped not to be in the same class as Jae-Hwo because I didn't want Jae-Hwo to ruin my mood in the class.

"He said there was a new student and he was so handsome. Transferring from Seoul!" The rumors of the girls in the classroom and I'm not interested in hearing what they're talking about anymore about the hot guy who moved in from Seoul.

"Good, not smudged!" I muttered after checking the math notebook that had been placed on the table.

The classroom door was opened and Mr. Handoko's face appeared behind the door. He looked around as if looking for me because today was the schedule for practicing archery from the first to the last hour. I deliberately came to class first and came late for practice because I wanted to leave some homework to Derin.

"Roosevelt!" Mr. Handoko shouted and made my friends focus on Mr. Handoko.

"I'll leave homework first, sir!" I replied enthusiastically. Then took out three notebooks and walked over to Derin's desk.

"Usually, take the deposit of state duties because they want to carry out military duties!" I said to Derin and she saluted me.

"Excited to learn everything!" I shouted to my friends excitedly.

"The spirit of carrying out your military duty!" some friends shouted at me.

If you ask, why is Mr. Handoko always looking for me and cares so much and likes to scold me if he doesn't come on time for archery practice? The answer is that he has ambitions to make me a mainstay athlete so that I can enter the Indonesian archery team. Honestly, I'm not too ambitious to go there because I don't want to be an athlete even though some people say I'm talented in archery. My goal is to participate in archery because it looks cool so there are things that my mother can be proud of to her friends.

I am talented in archery, sis Lovelace is talented in the fashion world and my sister is talented in the world of makeup even though she is only in the seventh grade of junior high school. See, I am different myself from my two sisters.

"You have to be disciplined so that you can participate in the selection to become a provincial athlete before advancing to become a national athlete."

I just nodded in understanding and my eyes saw the figure of Jae-Hwo who was walking in the opposite direction with me from the homeroom teacher. To avoid meeting with Jae-Hwo, I asked Mr. Handoko to walk through another hallway with the excuse of warming up. Mr. Handoko also agreed.

I also walked using a cockroach-style technique that detects opponents through the antenna on its head. Wait, do cockroaches have heads? Ah, I don't know, I'll just surf the internet later to learn about cockroaches. All I have to do now is avoid Jae-Hwo.

To be continued.