Hell Ain't Empty, I Won't Become a Buddha

Under the night sky, hundreds of beasts took turns attacking the clone. Its physical strength was slowly exhausted in this high-intensity battle, and it dissipated one by one.

Seeing that the last clone was about to dissipate, Ling Feng woke up. Almost without thinking, he walked forward.

He then recalled his clone that had been struggling to hold on until now. Looking at the beasts in front of him, his eyes filled with anger.

The emotions of the clones that he took back affected Ling Feng and anger slowly filled his heart. When he was upgrading his talent, these clones were struggling to keep the main body from being hurt.

They weren't killed, but their physical strength had been exhausted, and they had dissipated.

"Alright, then. I'll let you all have a taste of my S-rank clone strength.