These Things Should Be Left to the Clone

"The auction is..." the white-haired man began to explain. "The auction is..."

He dragged out his words and pointed in a direction.

A staff member walked over with a tray, dressed in the standard uniform, and asked as usual.

The items on the tray were covered and personally displayed by Bai Qianlang on the spot.

"A tier-three longsword. If you are fated, you can take it away."

He pulled out his long sword and gently swung it. The cold light emitted by the sword scattered out, and the sword Qi was powerful and restrained.

Everyone saw this.

"The starting price is one million, and 100000 is the increment for each bid."

After he finished speaking, people began to raise their placards.

At the start of every auction, the first item to be auctioned was always a high-end item that had been carefully selected. It was a good sign to get this first item and win everyone's congratulations.