Take It

The next morning.

The sunlight pierced through the window and shone on Ling Feng's face.

His eyes moved slightly, and he opened them after a while. He looked at the weather outside in a daze.

However, the sunlight was too glaring, and he blocked it out with his hand before opening his eyes.

"What time is it? Why is the sun so bright?"

He was still blurred, so he looked at the time on his watch.

He took a moment to recover before he got up and went to wash up.

After washing up, she heard the doorbell ring.

"Could it be eldest senior brother?"

He went to open the door. It wasn't his senior brother, but little six, the robot butler of the dormitory area.

"Breakfast has been delivered! Please check and receive!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, thinking that this robot was quite thoughtful.

However, he was already hungry.

After breakfast, he closed the door and walked to the living room.