Watch My Move

In the room.

Ling Feng was very surprised. He realized that the bad guy beside him didn't disappear, but he had hidden himself. The bad guy didn't notice him.

After he became famous, the bad guys seemed to have caught a whiff of his scent and came one after another.

He had to come over and be an eyesore as if she would feel unhappy if he didn't.

The world was so big, and there were really all kinds of weirdos.

At this moment, on the battlefield.

Feng Lei said disdainfully. He was confident that he was strong enough to pressure Ling Yun.

Ling Feng's thoughts moved, and his avatars also took action.

After seeing this, Feng Lei flipped his hands, and two burning fireballs appeared in his palms.

"Take this, blazing fireball."


Two extremely large fireballs streaked through the air, bringing with them a scorching aura as they flew toward the clone.

The clone didn't take the attack head-on but dodged it.