Killing Ghouls

In the next second, they disappeared in the air, turning into a wisp of smoke and gradually dissipating. At this time, Ling Feng heaved a sigh of relief and heard the system's voice.

"Congratulations, ferrying the rabbit monster, 1000 upgrade points."

"Congratulations, ferrying a human villager, 100 upgrade points."

"Congratulations, ferrying the fox, 50000 upgrade points."


Some of the monsters were very strong, while some were weak and not worth mentioning. Now, all of them had been ferried. About a hundred of them had been ferried simultaneously, and Ling Feng had also obtained nearly 3 million upgrade points.

Now that the leveling point was a little closer to leveling up his combat strength, he looked up into the distance. There seemed to be other monsters in that direction. He knew that tonight was destined to not be peaceful.