Going Back On His Word

The empress also felt that it was true. The general's ability was top-notch in the entire Chu Yun Nation. Although he couldn't be considered riding on the clouds, no one in the same realm was a worthy opponent.

The general was very loyal and could be considered a loyal minister. On the contrary, when did the Prime Minister get to know these people? This news made her feel uneasy.

"Keep an eye on the Prime Minister, and let me know if there are any movements."

"Yes, Ma'am."

At this moment, in the Prime Minister's residence.

The Prime Minister was all smiles as he served a large table of delicacies to six men and one woman. Among the young men in black was their leader. These people had extraordinary characters, and the Prime Minister greatly valued them.

"Everyone, let me raise a toast!"

"I don't drink, Prime Minister." The young man in black declined politely.