Waking Up Furious

It was too satisfying! This was how Ling Feng felt right now.

This kind of pleasure did not come from his body but from the depths of his soul. He was very happy.

At this moment, in the Prime Minister's residence.

Shui Mo and the flood dragon were evenly matched, and it was hard to tell who was stronger.

"Let's stop here. There's no point in continuing the fight!" Shui Mo said helplessly.

"Agreed!" The flood dragon had no intention of continuing the battle.

After all, the two were evenly matched. Instead of continuing to fight until the end, it was very likely that both sides would suffer. It was better to shake hands and make peace now.

As for who could find the divine item and which the divine item would belong to in the end, that was all for the future. It would not be too late to fight for it later.

"This dragon will definitely find the divine item and leave this place before you!"