Arc 1/2 - Character Rankings

Before you read this, just want to let you know that I am sorry this is not the chapter you were expecting, but this is for a reason. Arc 2, Recruiting the Angel has finished and we are now moving on to Arc 3, Recruiting the Beast and Iceman, which will be a much shorter arc. However, I haven't currently finished the first chapter, something I will try and complete by the end of the day and hopefully get out to you this evening. But if I don't, it will definitely be here on Sunday. What I've been doing instead, is fully planning out what I want to cover in the next arc, as all I had before was a vague idea, which I have done now and am just working on the chapters now.

Until then, I have this character ranking for you guys. This is something I'll be doing at the end of each arc from this point on. It allows me to get some extra time to do some research and finish a chapter or two so that my schedule can keep going uninterrupted. While also giving you guys some content for this story. It's much better for me than taking a break because I'll find it a little difficult to get back into things, which is what happened with my Blood and Winter story.

So, I forgot to do this last arc, but this is my character rankings for those that appeared in the arcs to showcase where they stand in MY universe. This is based on my own personal experience with the characters, but also from information online such as from wikis, fan sites, etc. You are welcome to agree or disagree with how these rankings stand and I would love to hear your explanations as to why you think certain characters should be ranked higher or lower. I can and will not know everything about every character and so, please, feel free to explain why you think characters should be ranked higher or lower.

To begin with, let's go with the first arc, the First X-Man:

1. ????/Mr Milbury.

2. Scott Summers.

3. Charles Xavier.

4. Jack Winters.

5. Amelia Voght.


6. Alex Summers.

So, there we have it, Alex is ranked last and while I won't reveal who Mr Milbury is, if you know him, then you can understand why he is ranked first. As for Xavier, I'm not ranking him higher than Scott because of the psychic resistance Scott possesses and while it cannot keep Xavier from his mind fully, it definitely buys him plenty of time. Xavier's telepathy is also not to the extremes it is in comics just yet, though it will further develop and evolve to that level with time.

Now, let's get onto the second arc, Recruiting the Angel:

1. Nathaniel Essex/Mr Sinister.

2. Scott Summers/Cyclops/Atomic Red.

3. Charles Xavier.

4. Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

5. Harry Osborn/Green Goblin.


6. William Baker/Sandman.

7. Aleksei Sytsevich/Rhino.

8. Callisto.

9. Caliban.

10. Scale Face.


11. Alonzo Lincoln/Tombstone (Post-Enhancements).

12. Adrian Toomes/Vulture.

13. Wilson Fisk/Kingpin.

14. Joseph/Hammerhead.

15. Alonzo Lincoln/Tombstone (Pre-Enhancements).


16. Warren Worthington III/Avenging Angel.

17. Amelia Voght/Mist.

18. Ray Carter/Berzerker.

19. Blow Hard.

20. Erg.


21. Alex Summers.

There we are, didn't realise that there were twenty-one characters that needed ranking, but there we are. Again, these character rankings are based on my personal experience, but also from wikis and fan sites. You may not agree with them and that's perfectly okay, in fact, I'd love to hear what you think about these rankings. These aren't just based on their powers, but also based on their personalities, which is especially important when it comes to Amelia as she could be ranked much higher on this list if she didn't hold herself back.

However, most important is the fact that this is beginning, a lot of these individuals have just gotten their powers and therefore, they're not as skilled in using them or they're not as strong as they are later down the road. This is especially important when it comes to the likes of Sandman, Spider-Man, Green Goblin and Rhino.

The most important thing and I HEAVILY stress this point, is that just because someone is ranked higher than someone, doesn't mean they can't be defeated by someone lower. The way these rankings work is this, if these characters, for whatever reason were to fight one another on a completely level field (by that I mean, there's nothing that gives another player a distinct home ground advantage, like Sandman in the middle of a desert, that sort of thing) ten times. Out of those ten times, the person ranked higher would win 6/10 or more of those fights. But also, just because Warren can't take out Tombstone, doesn't mean he can't beat someone like Vulture, in fact, he could have a much more even fight against him than he would against Tombstone.

These rankings aren't perfect, but they're more of a guideline for you guys to know where the characters are ranked in the power hierarchy of Marvel in this universe. Again, you're welcome to agree or disagree with them as you like, in fact, I would love to hear people's opinions on these rankings and I can give my own reasonings for why said characters are ranked where they are. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and I will try my best to get a chapter out by tonight for you guys, but if not, it will be out on Sunday.