The Enigma of Scott Summers

Lowering her arms slowly, Jean let out a deep breath, relaxing her body fully as a wave of exhaustion washed over her. The sheer concentration required during these training sessions was by no means becoming easier. It felt like every time she started to improve upon an exercise, making measurable progress, Scott would immediately increase its difficulty. He never allowed her to relax, constantly pushing her to her limits without pause or hesitation.

It was a brutal training regime.

One that Jean had vastly underestimated when she first agreed to train alongside the others.

A training regime that left her exhausted beyond measure.

Yet, one that the others also actively participated in.

Perhaps it was because they were all being pushed to their absolute limits that they kept going despite the difficulty—none of them wanting to be the first to throw in the towel. That was Jean's impression of the boys, specifically Bobby and Warren. They were highly competitive, constantly striving to outdo one another despite their training focusing on different aspects. Hank, meanwhile, seemed to be dragged into it, though Jean wasn't quite sure why he was just as competitive as the other two.

Maybe, like her, he simply refused to be the one to call it quits in front of Bobby and Warren.

Still, Jean could admit that the progress they had all made was astounding. Even though she hadn't been here as long as the others, she could clearly see the improvements they had made—even if, at times, she felt like she wasn't making much herself.

Warren was flying faster and smoother, his heightened awareness allowing him to navigate obstacles effortlessly. He was closing the gap between himself and Scott's record—now hot on his heels and set to surpass him soon. No doubt, Warren intended to keep going, having already voiced his desire to leave Scott in his dust by setting a new record so high it would be impossible to surpass.

Considering how far he'd come, Jean found it hard to doubt that he'd succeed.

His memorisation training was coming along as well. The exercise, which had originally been basic, had now expanded to a staggering thirty-by-thirty grid.

Then there was Bobby, who, while not quite as adept at the course as Warren, was making major strides in his own progression. Yet, it was in the use of his powers that Bobby had showcased the most rapid improvement. A chill always filled the air, the temperature subtly dropping as his powers influenced the entire Danger Room environment.

Scott had made it no secret that he intended for Bobby to be the core of their team's firepower, pushing him not just to increase the amount of ice he could produce but also to refine the way he wielded it. She had often seen Bobby and Warren sat watching anime and other superpowered based shows, looking at those with ice powers to see how he could further use his powers in creative ways.

Hank, meanwhile, seemed to be falling slightly behind the other two—not due to lack of effort, but because his training was focused entirely on combat against Wolverine. And Wolverine was…well he was an insurmountable force of experience and instinct, a combatant that no one was likely to surpass.

Jean had been fortunate enough to avoid combat training for the time being.

Scott had instead focused her training on improving control and power over her telekinesis. She now concentrated on lifting multiple heavy objects of various shapes and sizes—stacking them into a structure, dismantling it, and repeating the process. It was a simple yet effective exercise, forcing her to increase her power output while maintaining precise control over her movements.

Despite the short few weeks she had been here, Jean couldn't deny her own progress. Even with with the constant exhaustion and arduous training he put them through, Jean was beginning to understand why everyone here respected Scott.

Even if, in some cases, it was begrudging respect.


As Logan called an end to training, taking charge in Scott's absence, the session wrapped up for the evening. With Scott having left alongside Charles to meet a Mutant that could potentially be joining them, the rest of them fell back into their usual routines.

Jean made her way to her room, heading straight for the shower. As the hot water ran over her, washing away the soreness of another grueling session, her mind drifted—to Scott. No matter how much she had doubted it at first, she couldn't deny it anymore.

Scott knew exactly what he was talking about.

His training regimens were meticulously structured, designed to push each of them to their limits without breaking them completely. It was a balance—gruelling, but highly effective and the results spoke for themselves.

Jean had seen massive growth in herself since coming here. Scott had attributed a lot of that to her natural talent and work ethic, but she knew the rigorous structure he provided played an equally major role.

Though she wouldn't deny that she liked the compliment.

Scott didn't hand those out often—at least, not in training. That wasn't to say he never acknowledged progress—he did, but he always followed it up with constructive criticism. If he saw an area for improvement, he immediately pointed out what still needed work.

But genuine, unfiltered praise?

That was rare and it felt good to hear

She wasn't too concerned about being called talented—but having her dedication and hard work recognized? Especially by Scott, someone who never wasted words on empty flattery?

That was different.

Logan, on the other hand?

He didn't hand out compliments at all nor did he offer much in the way of constructive feedback. Logan was harsh, demanding, and expected 100% effort at all times—no leeway, no excuses. Scott was just as demanding, but at least he was understanding when people struggled. It hadn't taken Jean long to decide she much preferred Scott's method of teaching over Logan's.

The thought made her smirk as she stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself.

Still, she found it funny that Scott was in her head more than any guy ever had been. It was usually the other way around and that was without trying to sound arrogant. She was used to guys wanting to know more about her, not the other way around.

But Scott?

Scott kept everyone at a distance.

Especially her.

She wasn't blind to it—he avoided her more than anyone else and it wasn't just because he was reserved—she knew he was hiding things.

Scott Summers was a mystery and Jean was curious.

Curious to know more.

Curious to understand.

Curious to see what lay beneath all those barriers he had built around himself.


Jean made her way down to the sitting room, where Hank, Bobby, and Warren were lounging comfortably. As soon as she stepped in, they waved her over, inviting her to join them. The moment she sat down, the aroma of food from the kitchen reached her, and she realized just how hungry she was.

"How long do you think it'll be?" She asked, her stomach already growling.

"Hopefully soon," Bobby groaned. "I'm starving."

"Same," Warren muttered, leaning his head back.

"I need something to replace all the energy Logan beat out of me today," Hank added.

Bobby let out a dramatic sigh, shaking his head. "I actually miss Scott's training." That made Warren and Hank pause—and then both nodded in agreement.

"That should tell you how bad it is," Warren said.

"Logan's a nightmare," Bobby continued. "The guy just keeps going—non-stop—like an unhinged drill sergeant."

"Scott's a dick," Warren muttered, "but at least he lets us have a break."

Hank chuckled, shaking his head. "The only reason Scott lets us take a break is so he can work us even harder afterward," he pointed out.

That got a laugh out of Warren and Bobby, but none of them denied it. The complaining continued from there, with the common consensus being that while they all preferred Scott over Logan, both of them pushed them to their limits.

Jean listened, amused, but as the conversation went on, her curiosity resurfaced.

After a moment, she decided to ask the question that had been on her mind. "So…what do you guys actually know about Scott?" She asked, leaning forward slightly. "I haven't really had the chance to get to know him like I have with you three."

She already had a good understanding of them.

Warren was prideful, a little arrogant, but charismatic and outgoing.

Bobby was friendly, quick-witted, and full of energy, making him and Warren a natural pair.

Hank, meanwhile, was a lot more reserved—intelligent and analytical, but still warm and friendly.

But Scott?

Scott was still a mystery.

She had been hoping to learn more from them.

But Bobby just scoffed and Warren let out a laugh and shook his head. "We don't know much about him either," he admitted.

Jean frowned. "Seriously?"

"You'd think so, right?" Warren smirked. "We've been here longer than you, and all we really know is that Scott keeps a lot to himself…and that he's really, really good at fighting."

Jean raised a brow. "That's it?"

Hank adjusted his glasses. "He also somehow managed to fight off a lot of superpowered individuals on his own," he added.

Warren nodded. "And he attacked Oscorp single-handedly."

Jean froze. "That was Scott?" She asked, eyes widening.

Bobby nodded. "Yeah, that was my reaction too when I found out." He leaned back, stretching his arms behind his head. "We don't know much," he admitted. "But if there's one thing we do know, it's that Scott means business."

Jean took that in, processing the new information.

She had come hoping to learn more about Scott Summers, the person. But all she got was more proof that he was someone to be reckoned with and somehow, that only made her more frustrated—because it felt like the more she learned about him the less she actually knew.