Chapter Six

The weeks past by in a blur, talk of Jamb and WAEC started rising up. Forms were being filled and career choices made.

"Hey,Crystal what's your career choice" Charlly ask sitting on my desk.

I shrug.

"I don't know…."

"What do you mean you don't know, you've had your whole life to think about it, well I'm going with Mechanical Engineering"

"Good for you"

"You should pick " slut" as your career choice, seems to be what you are good at" Oma walked past with her minions, each minionette giggle at her insult.

"Nice advice, but I think all the positions are taken by you" I retort..

"You bother talking to her?" Gabriel sits on the empty chair next to me.

We've got closer during the past weeks.

"What's your career choice?" Charlly ask him.

"Drug Lord" he shrugs.

He sees the look on our faces and starts laughing.

"Just kidding, probably a medical doctor or some sort, you should go with nurse, you'd look killer in a nurses outfit" He wiggles his brows at me.

"Yeah, I'd pass".

" Do something you like doing"

"Physiotherapy?" I suggest looking at them both

"You do realize it involves getting physical?" Gab ask. Charlly chokes


"Not that physical idiot, doing physical workouts and stuff, and you is lazy" ..

I shrug I'd take it, I pull out my form and fill the details.

I never thought about my career, all I wanted was to leave that house and be free.

"Hey, Crys how you and Ken holding up?" Charlly ask.

I smile, remembering my boyfriend of two weeks.

"Who's Ken?" Gab ask

"Her guy"

"Oh. Who is he?" His expression changes.

"Some Varsity guy she knows"

" You are dating a guy older"

I shrug.

"What's the issue?"

"And you think this guy 'loves' you" he added air quotes to the love.

I shrug

"Yeah.. I mean…"

"He said so?" He laughs.

"He probably just wants to sleep with you"

I scoff

"So you think there is nothing about me worth loving" I fold my hands on my chest

"People can be deceiving"

"Do you like me? Why are you behaving this way?" It's pissing

"Not even in your wildest dreams" He leaves the class. Why am I a bit disappointed?

"Aww.. Girl got her heart broken" Oma mocks

"Now what's your issue with me? Do you want my attention so bad you resort to petty ways to get them" I ask. I was fed up with her behavior.

"Delusional much" her minions laugh

School ended without me talking to Gab. I went over to Ken's later that evening.

"Hey babes" He hugs me

"How did your day go?" He ask as I sit on his bed

"Normal, I guess" didn't add the fact I had a fight with my friend cause of him.

"That so? Thats good" he lay on his bed resting his chin on his hand, peering up at me through his lashes.

"Stop staring its weird" I throw a pillow at his head. He laughs pulling me closer to him. He stares at my face, before kissing me.

He deepens the kiss, running his hand along my thigh. He takes it higher and I push him away, breaking the kiss.

"Stop stop stop"

"What's wrong?"

Gab's voice in my head.

" I don't…"

"I should go"

"Crystal, relax, I don't want to sleep with you" He tries to hide his disappointment, but I see through it.

"Its getting late, I should still go" I take my phone leaving the house. I breathe in fresh air when I'm outside.

I take a taxi home. Father's car was outside with another one. Guess we had a visitor.

I hear voices the moment I open the door, going to the living room, father sits with his friend, one of the people that gave me lustful stares in church.

"Crystal come and greet your uncle" Father calls when he sees me. The other man is already raking me with his eyes and suddenly I feel exposed.

"Good evening" I put on my usual fake smile..

"Come and give this uncle a hug" Alarm bells were ringing in my head. I looked at father, the look he gave me told me not to refuse.

"No thank you, that won't be appropriate" I say.


"No, don't worry, its okay" he waves it off. But the look he gave me told me it wasn't okay.

"I'd take my leave"

I make my way to my room, feeling stares behind me as I walk away..

I change into a more comfortable clothing, which was a loose singlet and shorts.

Lying on my bed, I decide to watch an anime..

Halfway through there's a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" No response.

I stand opening my door.

My breath hitches when I see who's there.

"Uncle why are you here?" Alarm bells getting louder. He walks closer making me to move back. He locks the door behind him.

"Your father went to get something and there's no one else at home.

Panic sets in.

" Why are you afraid, my dear, I won't even think of hurting you"

"I'd scream" I warn

"You'd be screaming soon" he gives me this dark look.

Its a flight or fight situation.

He moves to hold me, but I side step, running around him, I open my door and I'm running down the staircase.

"Crystal what's it?" Mother asks from the door alarmed.

"Why are you running?"

"He.. Uncle…" I stop to catch my breath

"Who? Which uncle?"

She sees him as he slowly walks down the stairs.

"What did he do?"

"He… he tried to rape me" next I heard was a slap.

She was standing before him, fuming.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"What's going on here?"

Oh now you decide to show. I watch father as he climbs down the same staircase

"Please what ever you two are doing, leave my daughter out of it" mother begs.

"It seems I am not welcomed here" the other man says.

"Are you trying to ruin my business reputation?" Father yells.

"He tried to rape your daughter" mother put emphasis on the rape.

"And who told you that? You believe her?" He threw me a look. I try to feel sad or anything but I don't, I'm not even surprised, disappointed? Maybe

"Yes I do"

"I humbly apologize for the inconvenience I cause, I'd be going up to my room now" I apologize

"Crystal" mother calls.

I ignore her. Walking past him, I look at him to see him smiling.

People really can be deceiving.