C5: Megan

The clock struck at 7 pm. Arthur and I headed to the restaurant where we're supposed to meet my older brother, Jiro and his girlfriend, Kylie. It's a restaurant located next to a lake, and some tables are set in the nipa huts and below the nipa huts is the still river. Arthur and I arrived earlier than them, so we managed to browse the menu and see what we can order for the four of us.

"What do you think?" I asked Arthur, who's busy browsing the menu. "Maybe the meals where it's already good for four people. I guess my brother won't complain about that."

"Of course. Besides, it's your birthday, you're the boss." When Arthur and I chose the set for four in the menu which includes a whole piece of chicken, four grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken parmesan casserole, one pitcher of four seasons juice and birthday cake for dessert. Perfect. I know that it's too much for the four of us, but we can take home the leftovers. We should be fine.

Around 10 minutes after Arthur and I ordered, Kylie and Jiro came. Arthur and I stood up when the two arrived and Kylie hugged me tightly – it's my first time to give her a closer look because our earlier encounters were mostly waving hands. She smells sweet, like flowers in full bloom during spring.

The other couple sat on the opposite side of ours, my brother in front of me. I know that it's my birthday, but it feels like, I don't even know how to start or what to say. Arthur told them about our orders, and Kylie giggled as she expresses her appreciation about us ordering chicken parmesan casserole because it's one of her favorites. Now that I realized how much we ordered, who's paying?

"Jiro, can we talk for a moment?" I asked as I pull him away from the two.

"What?" he asked, clueless on what my action is about.

"I know this question is lame but who's paying?" Jiro chuckled, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Thankfully, he lowered his voice as he answered, which partly gave me some relief that he knows what he's doing.

"The reason why I suggested this place is because they offer you 50% off when it's your birthday. It sounds like a joke, but it's true. All you have to do is to show your ID or whatever that can prove to them that it's your birthday."

Those words from him gave me relief. I still hate myself for not planning my expenses for this day, and I ordered more than enough. The leftovers from here might feed brother and me for the next two days … or one, knowing how much he eats.

"I have my driver's license."

"I'm glad that you're not an idiot. Kidding. How much will it cost now, then?"

"Presumably, the chicken costs Php 240, grilled cheese sandwiches at around 280, the chicken parmesan casserole at probably 700, birthday cake at 600. I don't know about the juice. Probably 80 or less. It's just juice. All in all, that would be less than 2,000."

"Fair. How much do you have with you?" He asked.

"Um … Php 1,500." I replied.

"That saves the day. The money I have left here is Php 700. I can give some backup just in case so, no worries, 'Lil sis. There's a bank nearby. If it's not enough, you can borrow some money from my salary from my part-time job. How long did you save that though?"

"I keep Php 100 from my weekly allowance. But mom sent me Php 2,000 as her birthday gift. Dad gave Php 1,000."

"At least, even if they're abroad, they didn't completely forsake us. Anyway, let's go back. It would be embarrassing for the two for us to leave them just like that."

Yes, that's true. My brother and I are living under one roof – just an apartment for both of us with three rooms. Our parents are both abroad and we hardly know that they exist. Getting calls are rare.

My father sends money for our bills like electricity and water, while our mother sends us our allowance. As upsetting as it sounds, my mother is already married to a new person, and it's only our father who visits us every other year. If I'll be really honest, the money they're sending us isn't always enough, which makes me consider to apply for a part-time job or something.

Brother and I walked back to our seats – Kylie smiling at us, while Arthur, on the other hand, looked at us with narrow eyes, as if to smell something fishy.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, Arthur. It's not anything disturbing." I assured, which made him nod. We can talk about it later, of course.

"Mind sharing us what all of those are about?" Kylie looked at my brother. "It sounds like something funny."

"I'd … rather not discuss that tonight. You'll figure it out soon." Jiro replied, Kylie, puffing her cheeks in disappointment.

Arthur didn't bother to say anything. I can't help but feel worried about his reaction.

"Anyway, can we play a game? Don't worry it's not something scary," I pulled out a small box from my bag. "Here's what they call, 'Query: Thought-provoking questions for one and all to know thyself.' Each of us will pick a card and answer what's in it." I don't know if everyone can see this as fun, but there's no harm in trying, right? Thanks to Evangeline. She's the one who gave me an idea about such things.

"Then you go first because you're the birthday girl," Kylie suggested.

"Can't I be last?" I requested.

"I'll go first, then," Jiro said. Without looking at the contents of the box, he pulled out a card and his question was: 'If you could write out the rest of your life (& it would come true) what would happen for the next 10 years?' "Oh," he reacted, his facial expression unreadable. He scratched his head as he answered. "I'd like to see my novel getting published. I've been writing for the last five years, and I wrote four novels to be exact. Aside from that, well, let's be real. I want to marry the girl next to me one day."

Kylie blushed and bit her lip after hearing my brother's answer. "I believe in the principle of date to marry. I don't see the sense of dating someone if you have no plans on marrying them in the future. For the record, it's not easy to deal with a broken heart. Right, Arthur?" he looked at Arthur who seemed startled from what he heard.

On the other hand, I have no idea how to react. I want to embrace that belief too, but I have a strong feeling that Arthur won't agree. I want to be wrong about this. I know how it's like to have a broken heart, and Arthur is the reason – we may be together, but at some point, I feel broken. It's the main reason why I joined Evangeline's group in the first place. Thinking about the details are painful enough.

"Oookay. I guess I should be next." Kylie said, pulling out a card. "It says, 'If you were invisible, what would you like to hear people say about you?' Easy. I'd like to hear the worst criticisms that I can get so that I'll know the things that I should improve. That's it!"

Wow, that's so natural, as if what she said was something she already saw coming.

Right after Kylie's turn, Arthur pulled out a card and he read it with his eyes. But when he was about to read it aloud, the waiter came and served each of the meals that we ordered.

"Good evening, ma'ams and sirs. Here's your order. A whole piece of chicken," he put down the plate of the whole chicken, and he mentions the food before putting it down to our table – the grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken parmesan casserole, and the four-seasons juice. "We'll be serving the cake in a few minutes. Meantime, enjoy your meals and each other's

company." He bowed as he left, and I can't help but have one impression – formal. He's way too formal. I don't see it as a problem, it's not that bad. But he could've loosened up. It's not like we're VIP of some kind. Oh well.

"So, who will do the honors?" I asked the group, and my brother immediately raised his hand. "I'll pray for you and the food."

"Go ahead," I responded.

"Lord, we thank you for the opportunity for us to be gathered tonight to celebrate my sister's 20th birthday. We want to thank you for another year that you've added in her life, and we ask for her to be blessed and guided in whatever she does, wherever she goes. Bless her, so that she can be a channel of blessings for others who needs inspiration, guidance, and blessings whether material or not. We thank you for the food, and may this give strength to our physical bodies for the rest of the night. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

That was a simple, short, yet heart-warming prayer, and may the Lord's will be done in my life. I may be stuck in my decision making when it comes to my relationship with Arthur, but I'll figure things out, soon.

The group passed around the meals and we helped ourselves – putting a portion for each food in our plates. The grilled-cheese sandwiches are just enough for the four of us, and I started with it.

This. Is. The. Best. Grilled. Cheese. Sandwich. That. I. Ever. Had.

The cheese melts in the mouth and the smokey taste from the bread added more twist to the sandwich. Now I wish that I ordered more, but just like other girls, I need to watch my weight. I shouldn't be carried away, because let's face it – all these foods that Arthur and I picked are high in calories.

"Can we continue the game? Arthur, if you don't mind, you're next," Kylie requested, but Arthur refused.

"I'm still gathering my thoughts for my answer so," Arthur looked at me. "You go first; I'll be the last."

I pulled a card from the deck, and the question I got was, 'If you'll be lost in any city in this world, what would it be?'

"Budapest, Hungary. I've been eyeing Hungary for some time now, and after reading some stuff about it, I want to visit and get lost in it. I want to see the Parliament Building & Crown Jewels before my eyes, ride a cruise along the Danube River, relax in the Széchenyi thermal baths, try the 3D blacklight mini golf, visit the Margaret Island Park, the Hungarian State Opera House, and so much more. It's amazing."

"Nerd. I can tell that you read a lot about it," Jiro replied, seemingly impressed. "So, dude. My sister's done. What does your card say?" Arthur put down his utensils and picked up his card once again. "It says, 'If Jesus appeared beside you, what's the first thing you will say to Him?'"

The group paused from eating, and an awkward silence surrounded us. What? Was it something hard to answer? If it were me, I would've hugged him and say thank you for giving the salvation that some people gained.

"Well," Arthur began, taking a deep breath. "I'm going to ask for forgiveness and ask for guidance regarding my decision making, because deep inside, I'm a big mess."

Now I'm getting the assurance about him was right, after all.