C34: Megan

The repeating ringtone of my phone buzzes in my ears, and I lazily searched for my phone with my hand and answered the call without looking at who the caller is.

"Hello?" I answered as I lift my phone to my ear.

"I miss you," the caller confessed, his voice gentle. My eyes opened wide in surprise, and my heart started beating like a drum. Wait, who is this? I pulled the phone away from my ear to see the name of the caller, and it was Vincent. But it's only 4 in the morning! "We haven't talked for years, and I hope you'll return soon." He added. 'We haven't talked for years, and I hope you'll return soon?' he must've dialed the wrong number. The last time we talked was like, only a week ago.

"You … you must've dialed the wrong number," I can imagine myself smiling in embarrassment. Things will be awkward the next time our paths cross. "We only talked around last week, and it's not like I'm too far to return as you said. Maybe you should dial the real person you're missing."

A loud silence fell between our lines, and it's the loudest silence I ever had in my life. I hear him heavily breathing from the other line as if exhausted and catching his breath.

"Vincent? Are you okay? What's going on?" and with that, he hanged up.

What's wrong with him?


Today is the last day of our classes, which only means two things – I can spend this summer working full time in Eve's restaurant, while Arthur and I would see each other less unless we'll intentionally meet up. A lot of things can happen in one summer, and the last time Arthur and I talked, he mentioned that he'll be spending the summer in Canada to visit his grandparents and cousins who migrated there. I've heard that it'll be the entire family except for their father because his father has a city to manage. He is the vice mayor, after all.

I entered the school's main building and head to my class. I pressed the elevator's button-up. A couple of seconds later, the door opened, revealing Vincent in it.

He's the last person I wanted to see today. When our eyes met, we got stuck in a staring game, as if both of us are clueless about how to respond.

"Well? Aren't you planning to step inside?" he asked, his voice monotone, but I sense a hint of anger.

"I'll … take the next one," I smiled awkwardly, probably a foolish and an unreasonable one to him.

"I'm not taking 'no' for an answer," he partly stepped out of the elevator and reached for my wrist to grab me in, and pressed the button to close the door. Instead of the 4th floor where my class is, he clicked rooftop instead.

"Hey, just so you know, I have a class." I pressed the 4th button, but he pressed the rooftop again.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"Oh please, who attends the last day of classes where it's all about saying goodbye to the classmates that you'll always see per semester and the demanding professor who always causes your headache from her requirements, exams and quizzes? Stop being a nerd for once," he mocked, which gotten me speechless as I hear him saying the right thing. "You received a call this morning, haven't you?"

I gulped as I heard his question – the topic that I'm avoiding.

"I – well, yeah." It's not like there's a different answer. "But don't worry, nobody will know about that. I know that you dialed the wrong number. It's a mistake."

The elevator's door opened, leaving the two of us on the rooftop. He walked around three feet away from me as if respecting the line that Arthur built to separate me from Vincent. The man standing a few meters away from me feels like a stranger because he's far from the Vincent

that I knew all this time – he's no one but a man who is full of regrets, with emptiness in his heart written all over his face. The teasing and the jerky person who keeps on planning dark schemes to embarrass other people – the man that he can't be anymore.

"I didn't dial the wrong number. With the knowledge that there's no room for me in your heart, I just needed you to know that." His facial expression may be stern, but the loneliness is all written in his eyes.

"But we just talked last week and not years," I reminded, thinking that he may be becoming delusional after everything that happened.

"That's how it feels for me. Each day feels like a year. But … if you're thinking that I took you here to beg for your attention once again, then you're getting things wrong. The reason why I grabbed the chance when I run into you this morning is because I want to say goodbye," he forced a sad smile.

A smile good enough to make me feel guilty, and even if what he said was a relief, it also felt like daggers in my heart. "I don't need your pity." He added.

Tears started building up from his eyes as he said those, and he grits his teeth as if his way on stopping his tears from falling. "I'm not a complete loser here. The summer vacation in Canada is a part of my plan. I told our family that we should visit our relatives there, and Arthur was also eager about my proposal, without him knowing that it's one way to separate you from him. He's such an idiot," He faked a laugh. "Smart move, don't you think? The idea that he'll be far from you didn't even seem to cross his mind."

I kept my mouth shut, though I know that what he said makes sense. Arthur only told me that they're leaving, but never said that I shouldn't worry because we'll keep in touch, or he'll miss me.

"But it's not all about you this time. I'm also protecting Victor from Arthur. You two are aware that he was raised by criminals and he can be one of them, right? I know that Arthur will find ways to reveal Victor's identity to the public, and I don't want that to happen. One reason why I informed Victor about what I think Arthur's plan might be," He crossed his arms to his chest and looked at the building's balcony, and walked closer to it. I followed, keeping a safe distance between us. As I did, the wind blew harder than usual, swiping the bangs off my forehead, as it also did to Vincent's.

"You're not going to tell Arthur about all the things that I told you just now, won't you? That is if you still care about me. Because obviously, if Arthur figures out that I'm stopping him from investigating to protect our older brother and another purpose of the vacation is to separate the two of you, he'll beat me up again. If he'll do that, I wouldn't hesitate to fight back," he turned back to look at me, his eyes no longer filled with unshed tears, but anger. "I wish for your happiness." He walked past me, leaving me alone in the rooftop.

He didn't even give me a chance to say anything.

He left me just like that, and I don't know how to react. One thing's for sure, and that is … his words felt like daggers into my heart. Should I be happy that he just let me go? Should I be angry that he did something to separate Arthur and me once again?

All I know is, there's no slightest hint of happiness or satisfaction that I felt from his words.

Meanwhile, as I reflect on my conversation with Vincent, my phone beeped from my bag, and I answered the call … from Arthur.

"Meg, where are you?" he immediately asked as soon as I picked up.

"I'm on my way to class," I replied, gathering myself from what happened.

"But it's almost lunch," he argued. "Your class is supposed to be ending now. Where are you, really?"

"I kinda skipped class because my friend had a problem and wanted to have some heart-to-heart talk. No worries, I'm done here anyway."

"Right. I want to drop you later at the resto for the last time this school year but I'm afraid I can't. Mom said that I need to go home early because we have something serious to talk about. It makes me think if I did something bad that needs lectures or whatever. I'll see you around soon, probably before we leave the country."

"It's alright. I hope that things won't be bad. See you."

Why do I have a feeling that he's lying? Is it because I just talked to Vincent?

I tapped on the messaging application and sent Vincent a text message.


Me: Hey Vincent, I'm sorry about earlier. I don't know what to say or how to react.

Vincent: I'm the one who should be apologizing because I left you there and probably caused you to feel guilty.

Me: It's nothing.

Vincent: You wouldn't text me just for that.

Me: Yes, actually. Arthur said earlier that he can't drop me in the restaurant because he has to go home early to discuss things with your mother. Did something happen? He wouldn't tell me.

Vincent: What? I don't remember mom telling him to go home early for the sake of lectures. Mom and Arthur hardly talk. If you're checking what's up with them, I'll see later when I get home. If you wouldn't mind, will you let me give you a lift instead?

Me: Aren't you mad at me?

Vincent: Am I not the one who should be asking you that? But no, I'm not mad at you. If there's anyone I'm mad at, it's Arthur, for treating you like this again.

Me: I see. I'd appreciate some lift. Thanks.

Vincent: I'll meet you at Gate 3 later at 5 pm.

Me: Alright. Thanks.



The wind whispered through the trees, rustling the leaves again, and I caught my breath as the sound of a beeping car yanked me back to the present – Vincent's car. His car's window opened and without words, I opened the door of the passenger's seat and sat comfortably, as if it's something normal. This slightly feels embarrassing, but it's him who insisted, and I don't want to reject a good idea. His intention is, I believe, not bad anymore. After all, he learned his lesson.

"Thanks for this, really. I appreciate it," I began, trying to break the ice. He didn't reply to the effort but answered something far from the topic.

"I called mom earlier and asked if she's telling Arthur to come home early. She said that she didn't. The question now is, where did my little lying brother go? If he can't give you a lift, why can't he simply say that as is? Why lie?"

He's right. That's questionable, and the idea of Arthur lying again squeezes my heart. Why would he do it? I don't care if he won't give me a lift, as long as he's telling me the truth. If Arthur keeps on lying to me like this, should I conclude that this is the best reason to break up with him? He said that he loves me. If he really does, why lie? I would understand if it wasn't intentional, but it's clearly not the case here.

"You're not supposed to keep hatred in your heart," I replied, trying to keep my cool even if it hurts. I know that forgiving should always be done, even if the person doesn't deserve it. The difference is if they'll stop doing the same thing that hurt the other, or they'll repeat it again. I still believe that forgiving whatever the case is the right thing to do, and it is. It's trusting that won't be easy to be brought back. "God forgives people even if they sin repeatedly in their lifetime. What gives the man the right not to do the same?"

"You're right about that," he commented, his face stern. "Trusting again is what's hard, isn't it? I'll keep those in mind, anyway. I may be angry at my brother, but it takes time to forgive, especially if you don't see any hints of him being regretful."

I chuckled a bit and covered my mouth.

"What's so funny?" he asked with a questioned look, his eyebrows raised.

"I was only thinking about that earlier. About trusting again," I answered. "Forgiving is the first step to begin healing. Keeping anger in your heart isn't healthy. Although, after all the lies that Arthur told me … intentional lies even, honestly, I've grown tired. I don't know where this exhaustion and disappointment would lead me, so I guess I'll pray and ask the Lord for guidance before reacting."

The corners of Vincent's lips twitched and turned into a frown.

"What are your options, then?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the road.

Telling him that breaking up with Arthur is one, but I don't think that I'm supposed to tell him that, since it may give him false hopes. Besides, even if I'll break up with Arthur, it'll be unhealthy to give Vincent a chance. They're brothers … twins, after all. It'll look bad to break up with one and pursue the other.

Should I be honest? Maybe I should.

"Confronting him is one," I replied, biting my tongue from saying the second one.

"What's the second?" Of course, I knew he would ask.

"I'm still thinking about it." He smiled at my response as if he knows what's in my mind.

Half an hour later, we reached our final destination, and I went out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride, Vincent. Stay safe," I smiled as I waved my hand, and he just nodded, smiling back. I still can't believe how much he's changed in such a short time.

As I enter the restaurant and walked through the path leading to the kitchen, I saw Eve and Victor laughing, together with Jun and Arlene. The rest are just looking at them.

I can't help but notice how much Eve enjoys Victor's company. Is there something between them?