Arriving at their Aunties house the girls didn't hesitate to make themselves at home, Hazuki gave them enough food saying they looked like they had lived in the forest for weeks meanwhile their journey was only about three days long, they freshened up and soon fell asleep without a second thought. Hazuki laid them in the extra rooms before joining the others in the living room.
"normaly the girls visit me in a car with no demons and with their parents" Viper, Tatsuya and Belinda gulped looking to each other contemplating what to say
"well? Should I get my answer myself?"
"ah! No, no au- I mean 'Denka'" Viper said bowing her head
"yah 'obasan to yonde'"
"Hai!" they replied at once
"so why are they here and why are they with you and why not their parents"
"are they really their parents?" Hazuki looked at Viper with a slightly shocked face, she looked like she had someone to say but sighed in the end
"do they know?"
"Starblaze pretty much hates them and is happy to know by now meanwhile Karla is a bit in denial" Viper said, Hazuki sighed shaking her head before looking at them again
"shouldn't they know what's really going on?" Tatsuya asked
"I am planning to, but I need to know what exactly is happening at the moment"
"I thought you would already know, you've always been known as 'wise one'" Belinda said
"well I've never met a set of unintelligent and non-observant dragons like you, when you stepped into my territory the scene changed to become the crystal forest, there are no crystal forests in Opwood, this forest is found in two places, Black moor and Akira's own kingdom"
"wait a second, Akira? Like the anime character?"
"yes except this one isn't exactly someone to mess with, he is one of the few demon dragons apart from, you know who, anyways, this place is a dark and sad place, it looks like a normal elf kingdom at the entrance by the road but changes completely as you go on"
"so right now we aren't in Opwood? How do they not know, they visit this place a lot from what I've heard" Viper said with slightly widened eyes and an irritated expression
"did you know people who frown a lot get old quickly"
"you should know" Viper muttered
"so the reason the demon was able to take over Starblaze was because we were entering demon territory huh? Well it makes sense since she waited to attack when we got into the crystal forest" Tatsuya said
"when we were fully in demon territory" Belinda finished
"now tell me why they are here"
"apparently the school we attend is full of dragon hunters and they've found out about dragons in the school, turned on the ones on their side too"
"I guess you are one of them" Hazuki asked looking at Belinda who simply nodded
"after finding out they tried to capture them, but they escaped, they did mention something about stones from a dragons nest but we didn't get much about that, we were also on the run when we met in the forest, they seemed to be able to survive on their own but we joined them anyway" Viper paused at this moment just noticing the expressions in the room
"you said they talked about stones from a dragons nest, like crystals?" Hazuki asked
"yes the principal gave to them as a test before trying to take them" Tatsuya said
"those demons, the crystals weren't just any crystals, they were the ones taken from specific nests, dragon nests"
"their own nests, that's how they passed the tests, a crystal from a dragons nest will glow always glow when in contact with the dragon cub" Belinda completed in a steady tone showing no indifference as she had already known about this
"I didn't really expect this as they were the ones who took the girls away from their origins and raised them so why confirm their dragon origins" Hazuki said looking to Belinda
"'obasan' I really wouldn't know why he would do it as I had already been hunted before the incident so I am in the dark in this situation" Belinda answered looking Hazuki in the eyes
"wait so Karla and Starblaze are dragon sisters?" Tatsuya asked
"no, they are both dragons but from different parts of the dragon world, while Starblaze is from the east, Karla is from the west" Belinda said
"so they've been lied to their whole lives then" Tatsuya said looking a little irritated
"well it wasn't exactly in our hands as the hunters only took advantage of the war at the time, us dragons did not have a say in this" Hazuki said
"but the girls don't know the truth about themselves, heck they still have thoughts that those psychos are their parents"
Viper said in a calm tone surprisingly
"if I could change it I would don't you think?" Belinda said
"why did you join the hunters by the way" Tatsuya asked
"I'm from the east too my name is Kobayashi Haru I'm from a family in the forest, at least I was form the family in the forest, my entire family was hunted and captured used to do hard work, some were killed and used in the markets, if I wanted to keep what little of my kingdom I had left I had to help them do whatever they wanted" Belinda said
"the Kobayashi family has been known to keep the whole of the east as fresh and healthy as it has always been" Viper said in slight shock at the new information
"not just in the east, Kobayashi is known in the west, north and south" Hazuki said
"so you're telling me that you joined dragon hunters because they cleared your family?, I feel you" Viper said
"I'm going to assume Starblaze and Karla aren't their real names huh?" Tatsuya asked
"definitely not, they have different names that would have for sure revealed their identities as dragons, that would've been the only way they would find out"
"that and this new discovery 'obasan'" they turned to see Starblaze standing with ruby tipped white wings and ruby eyes standing behind them
"shouldn't that be Ryoko?"