THE EYES AND THOUGHTS OF THE GENIUS were at a thousand kilometers an hour, he knew that the American government authorities had long watched him because of his past, and that he had created many extremely dangerous things...

No servant... revealed to the world what had always been there, things we did not know existed, radio waves, free electricity, etc...

HE FELT SO FRAGILE, he was a man with the deadliest power that ever lived on the face of the earth...

The intelligence...

And even so, he was always living on the edge, everyone turned their back on him, deep down, everyone was jealous of the things he did, of his intellectuality and genius, he opened the eyes of humanity to a new world full of possibilities...

A world that only he did not seem to enjoy...

However, something that morning was not right as he glimpsed ghosts of a forgotten past.

— I was waiting for you — he said grimly after hearing a strange noise, — Otto.

'Otto died a long time ago, you should have known better, old fool.

Nikola smiled, for that, kind of insult would never affect him and an idiot like him should know that better than anyone else on the face of the earth.

— No one dies in this life… — said the old man without finishing the sentence.

— Only we left in exist... — The man completed already knowing the famous phrase that was one of Tesla's mottos throughout his life, to make life have a meaning to live eternally.

— We just want the project,— said Otto's companion, — give us the project and we'll get out of here in peace.

— Not with me anymore,— he lied, — I'm sorry, they took everything.

— We know you could reproduce the documents if you wanted to.

— Well said, German, if I wanted to...

Clearly the visitor felt affronted.

— That's what we 'll see...

The old Nikola Tesla tried to react, but his advanced age and his fragile physical structure did not help him at all, Otto's companion easily held him in the Hadaka blow. Jime (known as a rear naked choke ) choking him.

I just wanted to see you one more time, my love... just one more time...

Mary... forgive me...

He lost consciousness forever.

— We have to be quick...

The companion nodded and they turned the place upside down looking for the blueprint for the most dangerous project mankind has ever created.


FBI AGENT JOHN BERNARD SMITH JR II knelt down and touched the face of the fallen world famous old man and there was a moment of silence. It was his first day as a Federal Agent, as well as the first dead person he had seen in his life...

Just that person.

It is either very lucky or very unlucky to start like this... to see the lifeless genius himself, he who gave life to so many inventions, who gave life to modernity as we know it, was clearly a hundred years ahead of the entire human race...

— Boss,— I said to an agent.

Bernard looked at him a little startled.

— They went through Mr. Tesla's safe, but apparently they didn't take anything of value.

— He hadn't had anything financially important to take with him for a long time, he was broke, we were keeping an eye on him all the time to see if he wasn't selling technology to the Russian communists or the German Nazis, but since he was a genius like no other ever existed, we don't know if he would have managed to get through something without us knowing... after all, even telepathy technology this bastard created... something impossible to be traced.

He nodded.

— He could probably do it without any problems, after all, legends say he could even talk to aliens.

The other agent smiled, imagining the scene making two antennae on his head with his index fingers.

— Sounds crazy, doesn't it?—

— It would have been crazy until recently to say that we would have all the things this man and his madness created.

The agent was embarrassed.

— Carl, can you respect the moment a little?—

— Relax, John, they say he was extremely good-natured.

John made a face of few friends.

— Being humorous is not laughing at someone's death.

The agent grimaced, ignoring the rookie.

— And what shall we do?

He looked at the old man once more and sighed, keeping his thoughts to himself.

— We're going to collect what's left and take it to Headquarters... but I have a terrible feeling about that...—

— Me too… I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg… now we need to destroy this place just like we did with every lab he's had throughout his life.

— You can let us do that.

THE NEXT DAY it was reported in every newspaper in the world that the genius, Nikola Tesla, had been found dead in his apartment of natural causes.



MARIA RECEIVED the papers in her hands and crumpled them furiously and began to cry.

— So you already know?— Otto asked.

She nodded with a sad face.

— It was necessary...

— I know,— she said thoughtfully, remembering all that they had lived together, — the future of humanity he dreamed of is now in our hands...

No one will ever be like him, neither in my life nor in humanity...

— You already know what to do, don't you?— — Asked the doctor as he entered the room.

She nodded and caressed her already bulging pregnant belly and smiled happily at what was about to happen, but the presence of that man always made her shiver.

— It's time to start creating the future...—

She nodded again, but this time she knew she should trust this man, no one in the whole world had the skill he had.

And no one in the world would love her as he loved her...



AFTER A FEW MONTHS, their babies were born, they were twins, a boy and a girl, Maria handed the children over to one of the Nazi officers and proceeded to the hibernation chamber.

— Are you sure that's exactly what you want?— the officer asked.

She lowered her head and felt all the weight of the world on her back, she knew that what they were looking for was still far away, not everyone was ready.

The thousand-year Reich...

She knew if this worked out it would be the end of it, but what could she do? Tesla can't do anything with the CIA, OSS and FBI hot on his heels, I'm cornered against the Gestapo and SS... but the fact that they met without anyone knowing, and that they talked to each other constantly by telepathy was a good thing. sign that all was not lost...

We were born in the same country, we grew up and had very similar lives, we didn't have a training...

She smiled as she remembered when her lover told him that he begged the teacher to let him attend class, even though he couldn't pay for the studies, so he was leaning against the door learning everything right there, he never had a teacher in his life...

We were both pawns of our damn governments...

— We still have a lot of time to reach our goals, we are like these children, we have immense power to learn to control it, and a bright future, some defeats are necessary for us to rise stronger.

Otto Shumann nodded.

— I know that the Führer has the best of intentions, he is the most capable person at the moment, but what we are working on goes far beyond us, we just discovered the power of Vrill, we are descendants of the most powerful beings that have ever walked the earth, they are still out there waiting for us for a greater purpose, so I will do what I have to do and when the time is right it will all unravel.

She lay down in the hibernation chamber, closed her eyes and slept a deep sleep of more than sixty years.