— WHAT THE FUCK, Gordon, talk soon... — Asked Nolan, already completely out of patience, bordering on despair, in all those years of existence, the FBI building had never been invaded...

Just on your first day did that happen? If only John were here... he'd know what to do... good time for that crazy bastard to be retired...

— Nikola Tesla had done some research until 1934,— Agent Gordon began, — where he demonstrated to the military a weapon called the TELEFORCE, a beam particle projector, which could hit a target four hundred kilometers away, the only thing that is known. is that at the time the test was a complete disaster in Tunguska, five hundred thousand acres, a little more than two million square meters in the Siberian desert was completely devastated, the army did not want to use it anymore at the time, Tesla promised to improve it, but they never let him do it.

— And what does that have to do with the stolen documents here?—

— It was exactly the redesigned design that, according to Tesla himself, impossible to miss a target, much less stop it, with at least more than ten times its power, enough to destroy New York two thousand times, not to mention the current technology that could triple the effect, I would say that we could literally be at the gates of the end times, their initial idea was to protect the earth from an alien attack and secondly protect your country from an enemy air attack, being able to initially destroy sixteen thousand ships at the same time, but of course, he managed to go much further than that.

— We could, for example, have avoided Pearl Harbor, easily.

— This was one of his initial ideas about the project, remembering that Tesla was openly considered a pacifist, despite having created powerful weapons, he was afraid that we would be invaded by extraterrestrials.

— He was innocent in not considering that we are our own worst enemies.

'I find it difficult for a man of that rank not to think of a detail like that, sir.

The director sat in his chair, threw back his head, and was thoughtful for a moment.

Shit, shit, shit...

— We have to notify the President immediately, sir, it's a matter of national security.

It's a matter of world security...

At that exact moment the director's cell phone rings and he sees the president's name on his cell phone screen.

It's not possible... I didn't even have a minute to think about what to do...

— I think he already knows, Gordon, the question I want to know is:

Who else knows?

— SIR...— A gasping agent entered, — a misfortune has happened...

— Other?

He nodded.

— You need to turn on the television, it's on every channel in the world.

Jim turned on the TV and saw the episode in the stadium and Hitler being detained by the Bundespolizei.

— Things are starting to intertwine.

— Sir... that's the surface question, the BDN just sent us an urgent message, the worst news is yet to come...