SANDRO WENT TO THE CENTER OF THE CITY and sat on a bench in a square, clearing his head, he needed to calmly think about all that.

It's not possible... Everything that happened already seemed too fanciful...

As much as Sandro thought about something, nothing concrete came to his mind, it was not a simple matter to think about, everything was in total transformation inside him and it seemed that his entire life was being programmed for that moment.

What should I do?

But the answer came before he had thought of how to get it.

HIS PHONE rang and the picture in the viewfinder soothed his troubled mind a little.

It was Bernardo Garcia.

— Have you seen Die Glocke?

— The Dai-what-what?

Bernardo laughed on the other end of the line, he already knew his friend's reaction.

— The Nazi bell that landed in the middle of the Champions League final game League

The headache made a move to return, but it immediately went away.

— Sure, who hasn't seen that shit? Do you know anything about that, Bernardo?

— Not yet, but I'm already on the plane on the way to Berlin, I think you'd be interested in coming too...

— No, thanks, I think my share of Nazism has been a lifetime.

— You know, anything I send you the tickets would be very welcome in the investigations, even more so now that a note has come out from the BDN saying the latest news of Adolf Hitler after being arrested