KARINA WAKE UP and took a shower to try to relieve some of her tiredness, she had attended nine clients the day before that left her completely exhausted, one of them she knew she should have paid double.

He almost broke up with me...

She put the money in the safe and saw that she already had a small savings.

At least if all that hadn't happened to me, I could be fine today, married to a wonderful man... but...

Karina cleared her thoughts to reality, she knew that what had happened was buried in the past and now she needed to build a future, she was saving money to invest in her own business and get out of the business, as much as she learned to enjoy sex, she knew her body couldn't handle that rhythm.

KARINA WAS AT HER USUAL POINT waiting for some client, the night was calm and without any emotion, until that moment she had only had an average client who only liked a half mouth oral, it never went beyond that, it was ten minutes and that's it...

Which misses all the emotion and heat of the moment... but work is work and money is money...

She was leaning against a light pole chewing gum when a black Hyundai Azera car pulled up, rolled down the right rear window, she thought:

These are the good ones...

— Karina Schmidt? — Said the extremely well-groomed man with a foreign accent.

The gringos are the ones who pay the most and make the least... easy money today...

— Only if I don't owe you anything, handsome.

She noticed he gave a slight smile.

He liked the approach... today I 'm having a good fuck with a hotshot...

— Can we go for a walk and talk? — I have something here that is of interest to you.

— I hope it's big.

— Let's just say it will be rewarding, if you know what I mean.

— Of course I understand, handsome, but taking a walk isn't free.

— I'm sure you'll love what you get.