— LOVE… LOVE… your phone…

Rudolf still sleepy took his cell phone and answered.

— Yes... of course... yes ma'am... I'm on my way...

Rudolf immediately stood up and started to change and noticed his wife's displeasure.

— What do you want this time? — Said his wife irritated, almost huffing with anger — It's been three days since you slept at home because of work and now that you arrive you have to leave?

— You know very well that we are in the middle of an international crisis, it was a miracle that I came home this night, we had an attack on the BDN, several people died, and I could be one of them.

Rudolf affectionately kissed the forehead of his wife who got up to accompany him to the door.

— Don't worry, I'm fine...

— Don't forget not to create a crisis here at home too, we need you very much...

But Rudolf had already left.

AT EARLY MORNING THE RADIO didn't play any decent music, he hadn't heard anything good again in a while and he wondered if there would be a new generation talented in music.

Either I'm getting too boring, or everyone's just been playing the wrong songs lately...

The light was yellow, so he accelerated, but when he passed the red light, a car came after him signaling him to stop.

What the fuck, just now?

He stopped the car and rolled down the window.

— Vehicle document and your document, please — said the policeman.

Rudolf only delivered the functional document.

The policeman swallowed hard and handed over the document and said:

— Good night, sir, you can go on.

Rudolf nodded and followed the path calmly to the BND.

RUDOLF STOPPED THE CAR and identified himself.

— Good evening, Mr. Striech, — said the doorman — Mrs. Dietrich is waiting for you in the conference room.

Without saying anything, he continued.

THE ROOM WAS COMPLETE SILENCE, only Mrs. Dietrich, director of the BDN.

Marianne Von Dietrich was a seemingly fifty-year-old woman with the most beautiful, statuesque body any man could dream of enjoying, but only one man had access to it.

Rudolf Striech

Rudolf came close to her and without saying anything, she lowered his pants, didn't even need much encouragement to be ready and start the game.