SANDRO got up and shook the hand of that extraordinarily beautiful woman and was very satisfied with how much he had eaten...

At that moment she felt her smartphone vibrate.

— Only a moment.

She unlocked it, saw the message and replied.

— Sorry, but I need to get back to New York immediately.

— Of course...

She handed over a passport, a working wallet, a cell phone and a card.

— Everything you'll need is there, I'd give you a 9mm pistol, but I know you don't work with a gun.

— I prefer to use my brain.

— I think so...

DUDE... I ATE TOO MUCH... Beloved Jesus...

Only one thing was making her head hot:

How am I going to let Elisa know that I'm leaving the country to solve a world crisis? And maybe never come back, it was practically a suicide mission...

He put his hand on his belly and thought with satisfaction:

A little more and I reach for the food with my hand in my mouth... I really did the greatest damage in history to the American government...

Sandro looked at that wallet with the FBI's working ID and remembered how it was called in Brazil:

Jesus calls me...

For if any bandit surprised a policeman with one of these, his meeting with Him was taken for granted.

THE BEST WAY TO PERSAR that Sandro found was during his trips on the Subway, the fact that he didn't know how to drive was somehow important, because his mind wandered, which made him a real walking danger behind a steering wheel or handlebars.

Man, the president of the States that I am in this case, how crazy... but how do I fit into all this?