SANDRO GET UP after hearing Carlos Mendonza's proposal and was immediately intercepted by the young man.

— I just want to see if my family is okay.

— They are fine, your wife got a call from your mother-in-law and they are there right now, I wanted to talk to you in a quiet place, I thought this would be a good place.

Sandro went back to the sofa and sat down.

They are intercepting my family, this is not good...

Carlos Mendonza placed an airline ticket to Berlin for that night, a credit card and a state-of-the-art cell phone on the table.

— I believe that here is everything you need, I know you don't like to work with a gun, so I didn't provide it, if you want...

Sandro shook his head.

— If you don't solve it with your head, you can't solve it with weapons.—

— I like the way you think, but there are times when the only thing we should do is use force.

— Well, if we're going to discuss this, we're not going to get anywhere, if you're here it's because you know how I work, even if you don't like my methods, I need to talk to my wife and son first, then I'll head to Berlin.

Sandro picked up the phone and called Elisa, they talked for a few moments, as soon as he hung up, Carlos said:

— Then?

— They're fine.

— You have an hour and twenty minutes until your plane takes off, I think you better hurry.

— I'll order a taxi and...

— Don't you understand yet, Mr. Palmeira?— Everything is already provided, just go down, get in the car, your suitcase with everything you will need these days is all there.

Sandro got up and greeted Carlos.

— It will be an honor to work with the best detective in the world.

— I don't know what it's like in Berlin, but here the last one turns off the light and closes the door.

And left