KARINA RECEIVED HER PASSPORT and her plane ticket.

— I've never traveled by plane,— she said exultantly.

— Good things happen every now and then.

Carlos Mendonza smiled kindly and said it again.

— There's always a first time, even for things good... Nothing better than a change to celebrate your baptism to new life.

THAT PHRASE ALWAYS HAUNTED HER, was exactly what the orphanage director said when he raped her...

The first time he got...

The first time you had sex...

The first time he ejaculated on her face...

The first time he came in your mouth...

The first time he penetrated her anus...

— There's always a first time, honey...

SHE FADED her thoughts, for for the first time since her parents died she began to experience good things.

The waiter brought the food, which filled the air with such a delicious aroma that Karina didn't know how to hold back her tears of emotion.

— I hope you enjoy.

He looked at the time and realized he couldn't spend much time on her.

— You seem worried.

— I have an appointment for a while.

— I imagine… an important person like you must always be very busy.

— Life sometimes doesn't bring us what we want, it doesn't just happen to you, we all have our adversities to overcome.

She nodded and he realized that even though their lives were different, they could still share something in common...

The pain...

— I don't know what happened for you to end up in this life, Karina, but know that you are a beautiful, intelligent girl and have a wonderful grandfather who awaits you with open arms in a first world country, forget what happened here, this is all part of a past that no longer belongs to you, you did what you did to survive, now it will be a new life, good things can still happen, and even better.

She nodded, as much as she hated the life she had, it was the only thing she'd ever really had, over time she'd learned to live with the absence of happiness, and apparently it would be hard to learn to live with it now.

— Your grandfather has already prepared everything for your welcome, he asked you to memorize this sequence of numbers, as it is the one in his safe — and he handed you a sealed letter — he said that there you will know everything about your family, I hope you may find him still alive.

— Why do you say that?

— He's very sick, luckily he found you before he died.

— It even seems like a dream, you know?

— Sometimes dreams come true.

— And nightmares too.